Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know if my child is protected or qualifies for McKinney-Vento Assistance?

    Look at the definition or qualfiications of homeless under the "overview" section.


    Does a "doubled up" home count if the second family is through marriage creating step parents/sibilings? 

    A student does not qualify for homeless if he/she lives in a house or apartment with parent and step-parent and their sibilings. However, if the married couple were to live with another family or their parents/relatives then "doubled up" would apply.


    What form of assistance can my child receive if he/she is identified as McKinney-Vento? 

    All students who are identified automatically qualify for free meals. Also, if the school receives grant money some of those funds can go towards assisting students. The purpose of identification is to remove possible barriers to a students' education.


    What can the grant money, if awarded, help pay for? 

    If the school system receives the competitive grant, those funds can go towards a variety of things: school supplies, school fees, field trip fees, technology fees, after school care programs, tutoring, ACT prep classes, etc. The system liason, along with other employees, develop a needs assessment and prioritize the greatest needs for students. In many instances, money is appropriated on a case by case basis (ex. needed clothing items after a house burns) 


    Where can I find out more information

    Locally, you can contact your system's homeless liason: Wesley Gulledge 256-305-1028

    You can also go to