The Etowah High School Counseling and Guidance Department is a comprehensive program focused on increasing student achievement by providing academic, social/emotional, and career counseling to help all students to reach their fullest potential. The EHS Counseling and Guidance Department supports students by assisting them in learning more effectively and efficiently through research based data-driven interventions. Professional School Counselors meet the developmental needs of all students through classroom guidance, small group and individual counseling, with each intervention grounded in the standards, competencies and indicators of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). Counselors collaborate with stakeholders, including school administrators, faculty, and staff, parents, and community members, to maximize efforts in supporting to succeed in school and reaching their post-secondary goals. Etowah’s counseling program is congruent with the components and key construct of the ASCA National Model.



    We are happy to be able to provide individual counseling services for our students.   Any student who is interested in receiving counseling services may make an appointment with Mrs. Kali K. Brand or Ms. Hardy.


    Small Group Counseling is also offered throughout the school year.  These groups are created by the needs of our students and formed by invitation.



    For more information about the counseling and guidance programs by grade see your respective counselor's website.

    Kali K. Brand, Junior and Senior Counselor

    Neretta Hardy, Freshmen and Sophomore Counselor



    Disclaimer:  Please use the sites, links, and information provided throughout this webpage as a resource.  The information provided in this site should not be used to replace the expertise of medical or counseling professionals.