Eliseo C. Felix School

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Welcome to Eliseo C. Felix

  • Eliseo C. Felix School is a 2nd through 5th grade campus, located in Avondale, Arizona. Our campus is part of our community of schools at the Avondale Elementary School District. 

    Eliseo C. Felix Year has a long history in the Avondale Elementary School District.  In 1958, the school was initially call Avondale Elementary School #2.  In 1983, the name changed to the Pioneer Thunderbirds, serving kindergarten through 8th grade students. In 2005, the campus was renamed Eliseo C. Felix School in honor of Lance Corporal Eliseo C. Felix, who was killed by friendly fire in Desert Storm. To read more about Lance Corporal Eliseo C. Felix, click here.


    ECF is proud to be a Leader In Me School, where students learn about the 7 Habits of Highly Effecte People throughout their course.

Vision Statement

  • At ECF, we are a diverse community of leaders that show kindness and take ownership of our learning. Everyone has the potential for growth and success.

Mission Statement

  • Our mission is to empower our learners to reach their full potential through effective instruction, high expectations, and active involvement.

Core Values

  • Leadership:  We communicate each other’s worth and potential so clearly that they see it in themselves.

    Scholarship:  We seek to know ourselves and our world better.

    Kindness:  We show kindness to everyone through our actions and words.

    Community:  In our diverse community, we create partnerships that empowers growth and success.

    Ownership:  Through our choices and actions, we show ownership of our academics and behaviors.


  • Ensure high levels of learning and growth, meeting the needs of the whole child.

    We will provide students with engaging, differentiated, and challenging learning experiences.

    We will create learning targets and success criteria to provide clarity.

    We will focus on the standards and use the unpacking documents to understand what mastery looks like.

    We will have high expectations by providing accommodations, not modifications unless noted on an IEP.

     We will use the E.C.F. Lesson Plan Template.

    We will build relationships with our students using the Significant 72 framework.

    We will implement P.B.I.S. and Boystown as a way to provide expectations and skills for our students.

    We will know our demographics, community, and families in order to best serve their needs and encourage involvement.


  • We will come to the C.T. Meeting prepared and will follow the agenda.

    We will analyze data using the data discussion protocols and data spreadsheets.

    We will use data to make decisions and create action plans to fill students’ gaps.

    We will collaborate with all stakeholders by sharing resources, being solutions-oriented, and communicating clearly.

    We will promote common language for teaching and learning through the use of rubrics and grading student work together.



  • We will model everything we expect from our students, including life-long learning, positive behaviors, and respect.

    We will find the talents, skills, and potential in all.

    We will create an environment where everyone feels safe and comfortable making mistakes.

    We will be inspired and passionate, always remembering our “why.”

    We will give everyone a fresh start every day.

  • Best of the Best