- Etowah Middle School
- Bell Schedule
EMS Bell Schedule
2018- 2019
7:15-7:35 Duty Station
7:35 First Bell to First Period
7:45 Tardy Bell First Period
7:45-8:41 First Period
8:45 Tardy Bell 2nd Period
8:45- 9:39 2nd Period
9:39- 9:49 Break
9:53 Tardy Bell to Third Period
9:53- 10:47 Third Period
10:51 Tardy Bell to Fourth Period
10:51- 12:01 Fourth Period and Lunch
12:05 Tardy Bell to Fifth Period
12:05- 12:59 Fifth Period
1:03 Tardy Bell to Sixth Period
1:03-1:57 Sixth Period
2:01 Tardy Bell to Seventh Period
2:01- 2:55 Seventh Period
2:55 Bus Riders Will Be Released by Bell
(All Car Riders and Walkers will be Released by Intercom Announcement)