DECEMBER 1, 2022, 4:30 pm


    Norte Vista High School

    School Site Council Agenda

    December 1, 2022

    Meeting Location: Google Meets, Link: meet.google.com/coy-beyu-bgy (‪US)‪+1 502-771-5230 PIN: ‪864 292 749#    Time: 4:30PM

    I. Introductory Procedure

    1. Call to Order 
    2. Establishment of Quorum
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
    4. Welcome and Introductions


    II. Training Topics

    1. Review: School Site Council Roles and Responsibilities Training


    III. Action Items

    1. Approve minutes from 11/3.
    2. Approve Expenditures for 12/1.

    (List site categorical budgets that apply to the site e.g. TI, LCFF-LI, and LCFF-EL) 

    1. Approve Safety Plan 2022/2023.
    2. Approve Norte Vista High School Hats 


    IV. Discussion/Information

    1. Budget Reports by Funding Source
    2. Review Bylaws. 
    3. Review Officers (Chair Mr. Lomeda, Vice-Chair Mr. Martzke, Secretary Mr. Mendiola)
    4. Review Approved Expenditure Limit of $500 (or less) from 11/3.
    5. Review Summary of SSC Elections: Default for parents and staff.
    6. School Plan for Student Achievement
    7. Local Control and Accountability Plan Input
    8. Reports from Parent Committees
    • English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
    • Action Team for Partnership (ATP)
    • District Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)  
    1. Program Reports
    • Professional Development Opportunities (Paraprofessionals, Teachers)
    • Parent and Family Involvement Opportunities
    • Interventions
    1. Principal’s Report


    V. Hearing Session/Public Comments

    This item is placed on the agenda so that members of the audience have the opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit the speaking time to three minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35154.5 prohibit the council from discussion or acting upon matters not on the agenda.


    VI. Adjournment

    1. Agenda building for next meeting. 
    2. The next SSC meeting is scheduled for 1/5.
    3. Adjournment: Action Item