• Overview of Academic Support Program

    Academic Support is an early intervention program that uses a variety of strategies and techniques to gain a positive outlook on learning and to improve a child’s self-esteem.  Extra support is given using small group instruction on an as-needed basis for students in grades K-3. We use a district-created RTI model (Response to Intervention) approach and work with our district reading specialist to provide tiered support. Students are tiered according to their individual learning needs.  Each student that is included in the program receives an individual student improvement plan (ISIP). The ISIP includes grade-appropriate goals and objectives. The Academic Support teacher provides feedback of student’s progress using the ISIP, which is sent home at the end of each marking period.

    Literacy Academic Support Program Grades K-1

    Academic Support is an intervention program that supports the classroom teacher’s curriculum by utilizing a variety of strategies and multisensory techniques. Kindergarten and first grade students are selected to participate in the pull-out academic support program based on teacher recommendation, as well as results of formal and informal assessments. Small groups are formed and support is provided in literacy. Students will learn using various instructional strategies and activities, including word work, guided reading and kinesthetic activities. All instruction is closely aligned with grade level curriculum and concepts from the classroom are reinforced.  Students will work on improving decoding skills, vocabulary, sight word recognition, reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. 

    Shannon Rutowski, Academic Support Teacher Grade K-1    
    Contact: srutowski@allendalek8.com

Last Modified on September 25, 2019