
Early Childhood Summer Program 2018

Watertown Public Schools is offering a mixed-age summer program for students 3-5 years old. Please click here for more information

Extended Day Programmin
Please click the link below to see frequently asked questions regarding our extended day program for both our elementary and preschool program

[click here for our new FAQ page]

Thank you to all who completed our Annual NAEYC Family Survey

A summary of results can be found at this link: NAEYC Results

A school improvement plan based upon these results will be discussed at our next Parent Advisory Council Meeting.

Raising a Reader!

In conjunction with the district goal to improve literacy, Early Steps Integrated Preschool is collaborating with our Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant partners to host "Raising a Reader" events. Please check out this video from our Fall event and check the

Watertown Family Network Calendar for our next event!

Do you have concerns about your child's development?

(Including motor, social, or communication skills)

The Early Steps Preschool will screen your children ages 3 and 4. If you have concerns about your child's development please call the Early Childhood Office at 617-926-7765 to schedule a screening