Anti-bias Coalition Meeting 12/20

Anti-Bias Coalition Meeting 12/20/21
Posted on 12/19/2021

We will have our monthly ABC meeting on Monday, December 20th at 5:30 pm evening; the meeting will be HYBRID. The in-person location is the Cafeteria (Bump Out) at Watertown High School. For virtual participation, the recurring zoom link is listed at the very bottom of this email, along with the remaining dates, for your convenience.

The remaining dates are the following Mondays from 5:30-7 pm:

December 20th

January 31st

February 28th

March 28th

April 25th

May 16th

June 13th

Topic: Anti-Bias Coalition Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 4273 9210
Passcode: 474931