Report Cards

Report Cards
Posted on 01/29/2022
Report Cards Come Home this Friday
This Friday (Feb. 4) you will receive your child’s semester 1 report card and (in the case of students in grades 1-5) their updated i-Ready diagnostic assessment results. These are being sent home with students via backpack. Each of these reports will provide you with information about your child’s progress. In many cases, the two reports are in close alignment. In some cases, they may appear to differ. Keep in mind that the information from the teacher is a synthesis of many pieces of information while the information from i-Ready is one snapshot in time.

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions regarding Standards-Based Report Cards and i-Ready assessment reports. I hope this is helpful to you as you review the information.

As always, feel free to reach out with additional questions!

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a standards-based report card?

A standards-based report card:

Assesses student performance against a specific and observable grade set of skills;

Enables teachers to clearly define for students what it is that they should know, understand, and be able to do;

Measures each student against the identified grade level ‘end of year’ standard;

Is clear and specific about the academic standards and pro-social learning indicators;

Is aligned to the Massachusetts State Framework as indicated through the Common Core Curriculum Standards;

Supports consistent assessment and reporting across the district;

Does not measure how the student performs compared to other students.

What is included on the report card? How many times per year will my child receive a report card?

Content Standards in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and all “specials” as well as, pro-social skills and attendance are included on the report card. In grades, K - 5, report cards are distributed at the end of January (Semester 1) and in June (Semester 2).

How will my child be assessed? What are the ratings?

Teachers use multiple sources of information to assess student growth toward standard-mastery including: classroom observations, classwork, frequent formative assessments, summative/cumulative assessments, and for each standard on the report card, there is an accompanying rubric. These rubrics are based on ‘end of year’ expectations. Many students will be ‘approaching’ standards in January for Semester 1, as the entire standard may not have yet been covered. Students will be eligible to receive “mastery” on the final report card, after the entire standard has been taught.

Academic Performance Standards

M - *Mastery - The student consistently, accurately, and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade-level standard

A - Approaching - The student is progressing towards mastery and demonstrates basic concepts and skills, may vary in consistency, accuracy, and/or independence in the grade-level standard

D - Developing - The student is beginning to demonstrate basic concepts and skills; may lack consistency, accuracy, and/or independence, towards the grade-level standard

N - Not yet demonstrating the grade-level standard

*Mastery does not mean the teaching and learning ends, rather it indicates the student has reached a level of performance expected of that grade level with consistency, accuracy, and independence. Instruction and learning will focus on gaining a deeper understanding by solving more complex problems within the standard and across standards, more challenge applying the standard, and more opportunity for critical thinking within the standard (think Bloom's Taxonomy).

Pro-Social Learning Indicators (Personal Development/Classroom and Community Skills; Approaches for Learning)

3 - Demonstrates most of the time

2 - Demonstrates some of the time

1 - Requires ongoing intervention to develop skill

What if my child has an IEP/504? What if my child is an English Language Learner (ELL)?

All students are held to the same standards. The standards-based report card indicates how a student is doing in relation to the standards; the IEP Progress Report provides specific information on how a student is doing in relation to the goals and objectives of the IEP, which may differ from the standard. IEP progress reports are distributed along with the standards-based report cards.

English Language Learners are assessed according to the standards as they appear on the standards-based report cards as well. This should also apply to a student who is in her/his first year in the US, if possible. If this is not possible, then that student would receive a grade of Not Applicable. ELL Progress Reports are distributed along with the standards-based report cards.

Where can I read the full text of the standards represented on the report card?

Full language for each standard can be found on the WPS website: ( ), and on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website (Curriculum Frameworks): (

i-Ready (Grades 1-5)

What is i-Ready?

i-Ready is an online program that helps us determine your child’s needs, personalize his or her learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child exactly where he or she is and provides data for us to increase your child’s learning gains.

The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your child’s needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on his or her answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions. The purpose of this is not to give your child a score or grade, but instead to determine how best to support your child’s learning. Your child participates in these two, 45-min assessments (one literacy, one math), three times per year (fall, winter, late spring). Our final testing window will take place at the end of the school year.