Report cards will be issued on Friday, February 4.
Teachers will be reporting progess based upon the performance standards and pro-social learning indicators listed below. In my smore next week, I will be delving into greater detail regarding the report card you will receive in your child's backpack on February 4.
Academic Performance Standards
M - Mastery - The student consistently, accurately, and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade-level standard
A - Approaching - The student is progressing towards mastery and demonstrates basic concepts and skills, may vary in consistency, accuracy, and/or independence in the grade-level standard
D - Developing - The student is beginning to demonstrate basic concepts and skills; may lack consistency, accuracy, and/or independence, towards the grade-level standard
N - Not yet demonstrating the grade-level standard
Pro-Social Learning Indicators (Personal Development/Classroom and Community Skills; Approaches for Learning)
3 - Demonstrates most of the time
2 - Demonstrates some of the time
1 - Requires ongoing intervention to develop skill