The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Regular Meeting dated January 23, 2020 was called to order by Mrs. Marcia Ricci at 7:00pm.
PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, Tammi Dehler, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell
ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville, Rachel Schwendinger, Christopher Scanlan, Jennifer Bull, Joel Richardson, Allie Hornung, Natalie Kosar, Sue Brophy, Michelle Savoie, Jeff Countois, Danielle Cassin, Assemblyman John McDonald and Student Government Association members Christina Bell, Ryan Pecak, Derek Need, Charlotte MacEsker, Marleigh Philo, Natalie Rich, Sage Grennon and Lucas Cassin
ABSENT: Jack Catanzarita, Denise Carutasu
There were no comments from the public regarding items on this evening’s action agenda.
Comments from Administration
Mrs. Bull is scheduling Committee on Special Education annual reviews. She and special education teachers are working on goals to increase students’ reading literacy, math literacy and social emotional well being as identified in the CSE Annual Report presented to the BOE in August. Mrs. Bull will interview for a long term substitute teacher and Teaching Assistant. Mrs. Bull thanked the Board, faculty and staff for their support in transitioning one of our students from BOCES back into the home school population.
Mr. Richardson reported January Regents exams were held this week. The first semester will end Friday, January 24, 2019. The Super Student lunch was held today in the Multi-Purpose Room. Students were nominated by their teachers for the academic efforts. Many thanks to Mrs. Gervasio and Mrs. Houle. This year’s winners of the Cohoes-Waterford Elks Americanism Writing Contest are Cody Maloney, Derrick Pontore and Logan Fletcher. Mr. Lord, Elks representative, will be here on Monday to award certificates and recognize the students for their achievements.
Mr. Richardson reported on Education Law 2D Data Privacy and his work with Personally Identifiable Information (PPI). A Parents Bill of Rights has been developed; inventory and review of all third party contracts has begun; and a parent complaint form is available. Moving forward, the Data Security and Privacy Policy will be initiated, reviewed and submitted for approval in July.
Mr. Scanlan is very proud of K-12 students who worked to raise approximately $2,000 for Make-A-Wish in December. Involvement of students in grades 7 - 12 was new this year. Many thanks to Mike Smith, Mrs. Barbara Smith’s husband, who took an active role in this effort.
Mr. Scanlan recognized Mrs. Rishel for the work she has done as a new high school chorus teacher this year and shared positive parent comments with the Board.
Thirty-two of our high school students, led by Mrs. Reynolds, Ms. DiFabio and Ms. Akin (student teacher), traveled to the NYS Capitol to meet with legislators. The students were able to advocate for the WELL Campaign asking NYS leaders to prioritize physical, emotional and mental health through a comprehensive state wellness policy. This would allow high-need districts to create healthy school environments that support the wellness of the whole child nutritionally, physically and mentally. Two fo our students, Isabella Church and Analicia Gutierrez spoke in front of Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, Senator Alessandra Biaggi and Senator Robert Jackson. They addressed their concerns for mental health education and prioritized wellness in schools across the state. Furthermore, students were able to meet with Assembly Members Kimberly Jean-Pierre and John McDonald to discuss the campaign and to express the importance of this bill.
Mr. Pomerville welcomed Assembly Member McDonald, and members of the High School Student Government Association to tonight’s meeting. Mr. Pomerville provided explanations on two of the action items on tonight’s agenda.
Mr. Pomerville will show a video clip from Channel 10 News on the SPAC Dance Residency performance for fifth grade students after the meeting. He thanked the Board members for supporting the district goal of “increased engagement of students into the Arts including music theater starting with a focus at the fourth grade level.”
Progress on the capital project that was approved in December continues. BCA architects and engineers will be on campus on Monday, January 27th to meet with administrators and faculty in the areas of technology, art and PE. Board members were invited to sit in on the planning sessions beginning at 11:00am.
Presentation: NYS Assemblyman John McDonald
Assemblyman McDonald thanked the Board for the opportunity to address the district on critical budget decisions made by the Governor and NYS Legislature as they pertain to school districts. Unfortunately, Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD will realize a minimal increase this year. The Governor will deliver his proposed budget to the Legislature on Tuesday indicating a 3% increase in overall state aid for education. Aid to specific school districts is determined using an elaborate formula taking into account several different factors. This is a very tight fiscal year for New York State with a projected $6 Billion deficit. Assemblyman McDonald noted the high cost of Medicaid and how if affects education aid. It is helpful that revenue projections are higher.
Assemblyman McDonald was pleased to see our students at the WELL Campaign, including Evan Fairclough and Michael Talavera, speaking of issues that begin in the home and how they affect school performance. The majority of education aid is spent on health care and managed long term care. Assemblyman McDonald tries to find ways to cut costs without losing services. Assemblyman McDonald tries to provide more resources for his district which extends from Waterford to the south end of Albany and noted the diversity by reporting an 89% poverty rate in sections of Albany.
Assemblyman McDonald noted that NYS officials are on a parallel track and that agreements will be made. He noted state budget timelines and negotiation schedules leading up to the April 1st deadline when final state aid formulas will be released. He noted Waterford-Halfmoon’s unique situation of needing more state aid but losing out to the districts in lower economic regions. He spoke of directing money to non-discretionary items and will try to keep an open mind for those districts who qualify for less state aid. He is open to feedback.
Assemblyman McDonald expressed the importance of everyone participating in the 2020 Federal Census in order to maintain the state’s current status or minimize loss of federal aid. It’s extremely important for everyone to be counted to ensure New York gets its fair share of federal funds for our communities, including education, housing, health care, transportation and more. Completing the 2020 Census will be easier than ever, and can be done online, over the phone or through the mail. Historically, the census has undercounted young children, people of color, rural residents, immigrants, renters and low-income households at higher rates than other populations.
We need to ensure every person is counted. There is too much at stake. Assemblyman McDonald shared a success story of an immigrant who made his way and encouraged everyone to be counted.
Mr. Pomerville referred to our upcoming capital project advocating for small capital project funds to be increased from $100,000 to $250,000. Assemblyman McDonald talked about bonding and state aid and said the legislature is trying to fix that situation. He also noted other issues such as prior years investments and the money that was held from districts in past years and not reinstated yet.
The Board and Mr. Pomerville thanked Assemblyman McDonald for his review of the NYS Budget season process.
Presentation: High School Student Government Association Proposal to Reinvent Moving-Up Day Activities, Christina Bell, President, SGA
SGA Proposal to Replace Moving Up Day.pdf
Mr. Scanlan has met with SGA students and listened to their proposals noting the changes made to Moving Up Day over the years. Mr. Scanlan recognized Christina and SGA Advisors Mrs. Brophy, Mrs. Kosar and Mrs. Hornung for listening to student concerns.
Mr. Pomerville said this is a big decision for a community grounded in tradition and that the changes would have a rippling effect. Mr. Pomerville suggested listening to student concerns. Ms. Bell appreciates tradition and noted the SGA would like to keep important activities.
Presentation: Second Reading Policy #6121 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the minutes of the January 9, 2020 Board of Education meeting.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the following warrants:
School Lunch #11 for $931.71
Special Aid #19 for $1,639.49
General Fund #43 for $41,520.74
Capital Fund #10 for $2,217.96
Special Aid #20 for $6,571.34
School Lunch #12 for $6,701.42
General Fund #45 for $356,995.72
Ms. Schwendinger answered Mrs. Ricci’s questions about specific items in the warrants: Swank Movie is a licensing, editing and publication software product; St. Catherine’s was paid once for school year tuition and once for summer tuition; Instant Whip supplies milk.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Deborah Fennelly as substitute English as a New Language Teacher effective January 13, 2020 through the end of the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Stacy Sabatino as a substitute teacher aide/food service worker for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the CSEA contract; pending fingerprint approval.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Ann McClure as substitute teacher aide/monitor for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the CSEA contract.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board accepted the resignation of Jill Durivage as Teaching Assistant effective February 28, 2020 or as soon as a new Teaching Assistant is hired.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved Policy #6121 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 12/17/2019, 1/13/2020, 1/15/2020
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved a list of surplus textbooks as recommended by WSWHE BOCES.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of the following substitute elementary teachers for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay: Eric London, Elizabeth Swift
The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 12/18/2019.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board accepted the resignation of Katie McGreevy as Varsity Softball Co-Coach for the 2019 - 2020 school year.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Karen Gentile as Varsity Softball Co-Coach for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the WTA contract paid on a prorated basis as determined by the actual percentage of the season coached.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the permanent appointment of Noah Hathaway as Computer Network Tech Assistant upon successful completion of his probationary period effective February 4, 2020.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the one year probationary appointment of Stacy Sabatino as Food Service Worker for 3.5 hours per day; effective January 24, 2020; salary per the CSEA contract.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Patricia Lasher as substitute custodian for the 2019 - 2020 school year; pending fingerprint approval; salary per the CSEA contract.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board accepted, with regret, the resignation of Julie Lansing, Account Clerk, for the purpose of retirement, effective January 31, 2020; after 21 years of service to the Waterford-Halfmoon school community.
COMMENTS from the Board of Education, residents and staff
Mrs. Ricci recognized the students, faculty and staff participating in the SPAC Dance Residency Program; awesome job!
Mr. Pomerville showed a video clip of the program as found on the WTEN website. Ben Ryan, News Channel 10, came to school to interview Mrs. Ricci and SPAC dance instructors. The following information highlights the event and was posted prior to the performances:
The 5th grade students at Waterford-Halfmoon Elementary School had the wonderful opportunity of participating in a SPAC dance residency for the past 5 weeks. The program introduces students to the fundamentals of dance while challenging them creatively and intellectually. The SPAC teaching team, comprised of a teacher/choreographer, assistant teachers and live musicians, visits each classroom 9 times giving hour long classes that explore how movement and music become dance. Throughout the residency the students have explored the history of rock n' roll which will become the basis for the theatrical performance that will be presented on Tuesday, January 21st at 2:00pm for students/faculty/staff and again at 7:00pm for family and friends. Both performances will be held in the Waterford-Halfmoon auditorium.
This has been a real community effort! Classroom teachers as well as special area teachers have all pitched in to make this program work. Students were involved in a t-shirt design competition led by Ms. Tanya Cole, with the winning design drawn by Angellena Fosmire being worn by all dancers at the performance. We are very grateful to our PTO, the Anna Kroup Fund and Arts in Education for help in funding this program.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board went into executive session at 7:44pm to discuss a personnel matter. They returned to regular session at 8:45pm and adjourned.
Julie Caulkins
District Clerk