The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Finance Committee Meeting dated March 18, 2021 was called to order at 6:03 by Mrs. Ricci.
Present: Marcia Ricci, David Lee, Denise Carutasu, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell, Jack Catanzarita
Also Present: (in person) Patrick Pomerville, Rachel Ingalsbe, Jennifer Bull, Joel Richardson
Also Present: (via Webex) Crystal Rich
Ms. Ingalsbe presented a summary of the 2021-2021 district budget and the third draft of the preliminary 2021-2022 district budget. (See attached)
The Board discussed some of the options such as one time spending (busses, replacing equipment) that could be done with lump sum aid received from the state and federal government, and setting the tax cap percentage needed for long term expenses such as hiring. These decisions are heavily dependent on whether the state chooses to supplement or supplant the federal aid. Options such as establishing a Capital Reserve with voter approval or adding funds to the Fund Balance with a plan to spend it on future expenses such as bus and kitchen equipment replacement were discussed. More information is needed from the state budget which is due to be completed on April 1. The Board will meet again on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 to go over more options. The Board might have to meet again after the approval of the state budget and before the Board approves the District Budget depending on the information that is learned at that time.
The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Regular Meeting dated March 18, 2021 was called to order at 7:00 by Mrs. Ricci, who then led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Marcia Ricci, David Lee, Denise Carutasu, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell, Jack Catanzarita
Also Present: (in person) Patrick Pomerville, Rachel Ingalsbe, Joel Richardson, Chris Scanlan, Jennifer Bull
Also Present: (via Webex) Paul Gervasio, Crystal Rich
There were no comments from the public regarding items on this evening’s agenda.
Comments from Administration
Mr. Scanlan reported the following:
- Meetings are taking place to plan out the year end activities at the Junior/Senior High. Prom is looking more and more promising as information comes in, but there are still many moving parts to the plan. Options are being considered for Moving Up Day with Student Government, however, it will probably not be the traditional ceremony of years past. After speaking with students the Administration is determined to hold graduation on campus this year, and several ideas are on the table for the ceremony.
- The Winter Athletics Season has ended, and while the Girls team was shut down for a period of time due to a COVID exposure, they, as well as the Boys team, were able to complete their seasons. The boys had a successful season. Fall II athletics are in their second week and all of the student athletes and coaches are excited to be able to compete.
- Mrs. Carutasu asked about the Senior enrollment numbers for the end of January. Numbers were off in the current report. Mr. Scanlan was not sure why, but said he would get back to Mrs. Carutasu, but he was sure it was due to the number of seniors that graduated in January.
Ms. Bull reported the following:
- Our long term ELA substitute teacher Caren Hoffman is on the Board of the World Awareness Children’s Museum located in Glens Falls, and she has submitted pieces from three of our students in an art and writing exhibit taking place at the museum.
Mr. Richardson reported the following:
- New York State has applied for another waiver with the federal government regarding assessments. At this time ELA and Math multiple choice assessments for grades 3-8 will be taking places during single sessions instead of the usual two day sessions. The fourth and eighth grade Science assessments will only have a written section, and there will be no performance section this year. Information will be sent to the families of virtual students who would like to opt to come in and take part in the assessments. As far as the NYS Regents only four will be offered this June, Algebra, Earth Science, Living Environment, and English. All others have been canceled for this year including the August exams. There are still questions regarding virtual students taking part in the June exams. Mrs. Carutasu asked what grade is the English Regents taken and Mr. Richardson responded that it is taken in 11th grade.
Mr. Pomerville reported the following:
- Mr. Pomerville thanked the school administrators for providing all of the information required by the state for their survey regarding testing waivers.
- Earlier in the evening the Finance Committee met to discuss the 2021-2022 school budget. A lot of good information has been shared and the superintendent hopes the public gets a chance to look over the presentation shared by Mrs. Ingalsbe regarding this year’s budget planning.
- At this time the District is doing well in regards to COVID-19. There are no cases amongst our students or staff and the plans are being put together for our end of the year activities.
- Each year we hold a Top Ten Dinner for grade 9-12 students that are the top ten students in their grade level. At this time due to COVID and the restrictions on catering events, Mr. Pomerville wanted to go over the options we have to hold this event. The first option is to hold a virtual ceremony. The second option is to limit it to one guest per student in order to keep the total guest numbers under 100. This would allow us to avoid having to COVID test everyone before the event. Mrs. Ricci stated she preferred to still hold the event but limit the students to one guest. Mrs. Carutasu asked if the District would be able to provide testing for all so students can bring two guests. It was discussed that perhaps if restrictions eased closer to the event date, we could then include a second guest for students. Mrs. Cramer mentioned she would call the event coordinator and check with them.
- The Facilities Committee will meet on April 22, 2021 at 5:30 to discuss future construction plans and updates.
- The next Finance Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 6pm.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the minutes of the March 4, 2021 Board of Education Meeting.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Warrants and Corresponding Claims Audits. Mrs. Ricci asked about payments to the Game Officials ($98 for officiating fee and $7 for a travel fee), CDPHP (the $69,172.21 is the monthly insurance payment), and a payment to the Town of Waterford for $2,508.04 (Fuel costs to fill up the school busses).
o General Fund 43 for $126,515.59
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Treasurer’s Report ending February 2021.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Appropriations Report ending February 2021.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Revenue Report ending February 2021.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Extra Classroom Report ending February 2021
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Annual Meeting Notice for the May 18, 2021 Budget Vote and Board of Education Election.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the following people to work the polls for the May 18, 2021 Budget Vote and Board of Education Election for a stipend of $100 each: Mary Comitale, Irene Sylvester, and Gwen Terry.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the appointment of Mark Bell as Voting Machine Inspector for the May 18, 2021 Budget Vote and Board of Education election for a stipend of $300.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the Public Health Emergency Continuation of Operations Plan Addendum to the Project SAVE District-Wide School Safety Plan.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the health service contract to be paid by the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD to the North Colonie CSD for one student in the amount of $748.41.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the appointment of Christian Kilmer as an Outdoor Track and Field Volunteer Assistant Coach for the 2020-2021 school year.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the appointment of Martha Guely, as Substitute Cafeteria Monitor, Substitute Teaching Assistant and
Substitute Bus Monitor for the 2020-2021 school year; salary per the CSEA contract effective 3/19/2021; pending fingerprint approval.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the 2020-2021 health service contract to be billed by the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD and collected from the Shenendehowa CSD for 57 children in the amount of $55,227.87.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the appointment of Connor Hogan as High School Substitute Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay; effective 3/19/2021; pending fingerprint approval.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved Julie Caulkins to work the polls for the May 18, 2021 Budget Vote and Board of Education Election for a stipend of $100.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board approved the unpaid leave of absence for Ernest Anderson, cafeteria monitor, effective April 14, 2021 through June 25, 2021.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board accepted the resignation of Noreen Gervasio as head coach for Modified Volleyball for the 2020-2021 school year. Mrs. Carutasu asked what this would mean for the Modified Volleyball team and Mr. Pomerville responded that Mr. Robbins will be searching for a replacement for the season.
There were no comments from the Board of Education, residents or staff.
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 6-0 the Board went into executive session to discuss negotiations and a personnel matter at 7:30pm. The Board returned to regular session at 8:16pm and adjourned.
Donna Cramer
District Clerk
General Fund Audit Report
Capital Fund Audit Report
Extra Classroom Audit Report
School Lunch Audit Report
Special Aid Audit Report