June 20, 2019

The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Facilities Committee Meeting held Thursday, June 20, 2019 was called to order at 4:15pm.

PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, Tammi Dehler, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Jack Catanzarita, Carolyn Bell

ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville, Carol Lyon, Christopher Scanlan, Joseph Siracuse, Vince Popolizio, Denise Carutasu, Mari Cecil and Bernier & Carr Associates (BCA) representatives

The committee took a guided walking tour of the campus and focused on potential areas of improvement for the next capital project.  The tour was guided by the school's administrators as well as Principal Architect for BCA, Mari Cecil. The group focused on areas of priorities that were noted in the straw poll that was given to all voters during the recent May school budget vote.  The areas reviewed and discussed were the high school classrooms, the technology wing, the high school gymnasium and locker rooms, as well as several of the outdoor soccer fields. After the tour, the meeting continued in the library where the committee began to narrow the scope of the potential project to assist the architects in beginning to draw up a plan for a referendum vote in December of 2019.  The committee plans to meet again to finalize the scope of the project so they can begin to work with the school staff and community to gather more feedback on the plan and begin communicating with all stake holders


The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Regular Meeting held Thursday, June 20, 2019 was called to order at 7:00pm.

PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, Tammi Dehler, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Jack Catanzarita, Carolyn Bell

ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville, Carol Lyon, Christopher Scanlan, Joseph Siracuse, Vince Popolizio, Denise Carutasu, Jennifer Bull, Heather MacDougall, Melissa Millington, Mike Robbins, Paul Galarneau, Ryan Hardy, Kyle Williams, Robert Mailloux, Hunter Guertin, Nicholas Rich, family members of the three students.

Letters of Commitment Signing

Mr. Robbins announced that Hunter Guertin was accepted to Utica College and will play for their boys soccer team.  Nicholas Rich was accepted to MCLA and will play for their boys soccer team.  Mr. Robbins wanted to officially recognized their intent to compete at the Division III College level.  Hunter and Nicholas have both put in a lot of hard work over the course of their high school years.  Congratulations to Nicholas and Hunter, their families, teachers and coaches.

Comments from Administration

Mr. Siracuse reported on the sixth grade field trips to Camp Chingachgook and a baseball game in Troy.  The wet weather deterred some outdoor activities but the students made the best of it working on team building activities.  The fourth grade field trip was cancelled due to weather and activities were held in the classroom.

F & P benchmark testing continues in the elementary.  Year-end class picnics are being held.  Kindergarten moving up ceremony was held last week.  Many thanks to Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Desso, Mrs. Zordan and Mrs. Murphy and the Class of 2031 for their awesome job!

Mr. Richardson reported on Moving-Up Day activities including the 7th & 8th grade trip to the Bronx Zoo.  Many thanks to Mrs. Gervasio for organizing the trip.  Mr. Richardson thanked the parents who chaperoned, including Mrs. Maloney, stating the 20 - 25 parents and 8 teachers helped to make the trip run smoothly.  

Mr. Richardson attended the Cohoes-Waterford Elks Flag Day Ceremony on Saturday.  The winners of the student essay contest eloquently read their essays.  Congratulations to: Emily Fanniff, Hailey Keegan, Mia O’Brien, Olivia Gietman, Aiden Roy, Riley Galarneau, Julianna Foster, Cassidy McClement, and Grace Gailor.  Students received an official certificate from NYS Senator Daphne Jordan for their accomplishments.

Mrs. Bull reported on planning for new science curriculum for grades K - 8 over the summer months with implementation in the fall. 

Mr. Scanlan thanked Mrs. Finley, Ms. Dobert and Mr. Ferrara for organizing Moving-Up Day activities.  The seniors met with Kindergarten students in the morning and attended a breakfast.  Yearbooks were distributed.    

Mr. Scanlan is working with Mechanicville HS to coordinate summer school opportunities for our students.  Regents exams are in progress.

Mr. Pomerville recognized that the addendum has many action items but noted the need to finalize year-end plans including interviewing, hiring, summer curriculum, etc.

Mr. Pomerville reported on a meeting postponement between the district, the Town of Waterford and Momentive Performance Materials regarding the tax certiorari issue.    A new date will be announced.

The July 11, 2019 Board of Education meeting will be held in the auditorium due to summer school classes being held in the library.  Mr. Pomerville noted the school calendar changes to accommodate half-days for Kindergarten students on September 5 & 6.  

Presentation: Robert Mailloux, Eagle Scout
Mr. Scanlan introduced Robert Mailloux, WHHS Class of 2018 graduate, Siena College Freshman, Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout.  Robert is a young man who works hard, always showed up every day for school composed and ready to work.  Robert is someone that Mr. Scanlan admires and stated that he was honored to participate in the Eagle Scout selection committee on Robert’s behalf.  Robert worked with Ms. Buckley, a military mom-in-action, to raise money, purchase, package and ship supplies to military members overseas.   Congratulations to Robert on his accomplishments.   

Presentation: Spring Sports Report, Mr. Robbins
Spring Sports Report (2019).pdf
First Reading: Policy #7220 Graduation Options/Early Graduation/Accelerated Programs.

First Reading: Policy #7222 Diploma or Credential Options for Students with Disabilities.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the minutes of the June 6, 2019 Board of Education meeting

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Claims Auditor’s Report ending May 2019

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following warrants:
General Fund #125 for $133,498.41
School Lunch #27 for $4,765.92
Special Aid #37 for $450.00
Capital Fund #19 for $13,000.00

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Joseph Siracuse as 2019 Summer School Principal; salary per the WAA contract.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of the following 2019 summer school personnel; salary per the WTA and CSEA contracts, as appropriate:
Lisa Zadoorian, Speech Therapist
Ann Marie Perrotte, Teacher Aide
Kerri Mulligan, Teacher Aide

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Barbara O’Neill, Occupational Therapist, for the 2019 summer school program; salary per her Independent Contractor General Service Agreement at $50 per hour.

The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 4/11/19, 5/16/19, 5/20/2019, 5/21/2019, 5/23/2019

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board accepted the resignation of M. Patricia Dearstyne as teacher aide effective June 27, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Agreement by and Between the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD and The Waterford-Halfmoon Teachers Association dated May 14, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of the following 2019 summer driver/monitor; salary per the CSEA contract:
Tina LaBelle, Driver
Heather Phelan, Monitor 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved  the appointment of Tyler Ronan as substitute teacher for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board accepted the Elementary Art Club 2018 - 2019 year-end report from Danielle Coleman.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the permanent appointment of Kyle Elliott as custodian effective August 2, 2019 upon successful completion of his probationary period. 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the permanent appointment of Timothy Michaels as custodian effective August 2, 2019 upon successful completion of his probationary period.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the  extension of the probationary appointment of Les Lowden, Custodian, through January 31, 2020

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the extension of the probationary appointment of Kyle Hussey, Custodian, through January 31, 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board declared as surplus the attached list of student Chromebooks.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Treasurer’s Report ending May 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Revenue Budget Status Report ending May 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Appropriations Report ending May 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Student Funds Report ending May 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following warrants:
School Lunch #28 for $934.59
General Fund #128 for $19,161.71
School Lunch #29 for $1,300.32
Budget Transfer #96 for $248,678.00

The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 4/8/2019, 5/29/2019, 6/7/2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board declared as surplus 30 copies of Mathematics Applications and Concepts textbooks (12 years old).

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the three year probationary appointment of Melissa Millington, NYS Certified Special Education K - 12 teacher, effective September 1, 2019 through September 1, 2022; salary per the WTA contract on Step 5 MS (42).

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District hereby approves the addendum to the employment agreement of Patrick Pomerville, Superintendent of Schools, dated June 20, 2019, setting forth the revised terms and conditions of his employment and approves the payment of money provided therein.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following summer curriculum appointments; salary per the WTA contract:
Ann Dobert, Statistics and College Algebra Courses, 10 hours
Heather MacDougall, Special Class ELA 11, 5 hours
Helene Clinton, Special Class ELA 11, 5 hours
Heather MacDougall, US History Special Education, 5 hours
Laura Clothier, Next Gen Science, 15 hours
Lee Milikofsky, Next Gen Science, 15 hours
Jennifer Mead, Alignment of Grade 8 & HS Mental Health, 20 hours
Deb Ford, Reading Comprehension, 10 hours
Kathleen Kutny, Next Gen ELA, 5 hours
Jodie Gurka, Next Gen ELA, 5 hours
Ann Dobert, Reviewing Regents Exam Data, 2.5 hours
Nicole Spulnick, Reviewing Regents Exam Data, 2.5 hours
Nancy Houle, Reviewing Regents Exam Data, 2.5 hours
Meghan Mercier, Art Curriculum, 5 hours
Erin Bridgers, Art Curriculum, 5 hours
Jaimi Finley, Next Gen ELA, 10 hours
Jeff Stein, Technology Education, 10 hours
Allie Hornung, NYSSLS (Science), 15 hours

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the  the updated 2019 - 2020 school district calendar.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved a two week medical leave of absence for Julie Caulkins, Secretary to the Superintendent/District Clerk in July 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board awarded the waste removal contract to County Waste & Recycling Service in the amount of $925.00 per month, $80 extra pick-up; $200 per 30 yard roll-off plus $75 per ton disposal.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following summer transportation contracts:
Star & Strand Transportation; student transport to and from Westmere Elementary; $247.00/day estimate $7,410.00
Star & Strand Transportation; student transport to and from Wildwood School; $217.00/day estimate $6,510.00
Star & Strand Transportation; student transport to and from Northeast Child and Family; $217.00/day estimate $6,510.00
Star & Strand Transportation; student transport to and from Sanford Street; $367.00/day estimate $11,010.00
Star & Strand Transportation; student transport to and from George Washington School; $187.00/day estimate $7,410.00

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following summer curriculum appointments; salary per the WTA contract:
Annemarie Strife, Aligning NGSS with Curriculum; 10 hours
Darcy Pogue, Social Studies and New Science Kits; 10 hours each
Jessica Sorensen, Social Studies and New Science Kits; 10 hours each
New Teacher, Social Studies and New Science Kits; 10 hours each
Patrice King, Next Gen Math, 10 hours
Hollie Russo, Next Gen Standards in Social Studies, 10 hours
Erin McBride, Next Gen Standards in Math, 5 hours
Teri Tremblay, NYS Science, 10 hours
Kate Beidl, NYS Science, 10 hours
Jill Taschetti, NYS Science, 10 hours
Darcy Pogue, PBIS, 5 hours
Vicky Kelts, PBIS, 5 hours
Alison Radliff, PBIS, 5 hours
Karen Budrakey, PBIS, 5 hours
Jennifer Dorgan, Next Gen Science, 10 hours
Todd Hayes, Next Gen Science, 10 hours
Jessica Johnson, Next Gen Science, 10 hours
Deb Ricci, Categorizing Music, 5 hours

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District (“District”) hereby approves the Memorandum of Agreement (“Agreement”) by and between the District and the Civil Service Employees Association, Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD Unit, Saratoga County Education Local 864 (“CSEA”), dated June 20, 2019, relating to the parties’ Agreement to implement a revised summer work schedule for the period of July 8, 2019 through August 30, 2019 and authorizes the Superintendent to execute the Agreement.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District (“District”) hereby approves the Memorandum of Agreement (“Agreement”) by and between the District and Waterford Administrators Association (“WAA”), dated June 20, 2019, relating to the parties’ Agreement to implement a revised summer work schedule for the period of July 8, 2019 through August 30, 2019 and authorizes the Superintendent to execute the Agreement.

There were no comments from the Board of Education, residents and staff.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board went into executive session at 7:27pm to discuss a personnel matter.  They returned to regular session at 8:15 and adjourned.

Julie Caulkins
District Clerk