November 19, 2020

The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Informational Workshop dated November 19, 2020 was called to order at 6pm by Mrs. Ricci.

Present: Marcia Ricci, Jack Cantanzarita, Denise Carutasu, David Lee, Carolyn Bell

Also Present: (in person) Patrick Pomerville, 

Also Present: (via Webex) Jamie Maloney, Rachel Ingalsbe

Mrs. Ingalsbe gave updates on our District Audit, State Aid and reported on Financial Transparency.

Mr. Pomerville updated the Board on K-6 Return to in person education planning, Yellow/Red Zone testing and its impact on the District, District fundraising. The Board discussed their upcoming NYSSBA training, and then asked questions regarding the current COVID-19 situation in the District.


The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Regular Meeting dated November 19, 2020 was called to order at 7:02 by Mrs. Ricci, who then led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Marcia Ricci, David Lee, Denise Carutasu, Carolyn Bell, Jack Catanzarita

Also Present: (in person) Patrick Pomerville, Christopher Scanlan, Joel Richardson, Jennifer Bull, Joseph Siracuse, Mike Robbins, James Hayes

Also Present: (via Webex) Jamie Maloney, Meg Reynolds, Michele Savoie, Ken Williams

There were no comments from the public regarding items on this evening’s agenda.

Comments from Administration

Mr. Scanlan informed the Board that the Jr/Sr High has begun planning for students' return for the second semester, by sending out a survey to the parents of virtual students to get a count of how many plan on returning in February. He reported that administration and faculty have begun planning for shutdown if necessary due to COVID-19. 

Mr. Siracuse reported that administration and teachers have worked with parents to secure parental decisions for students participating in in-person learning and students opting to remain or move to virtual learning. A survey was sent to parents of virtual learners on October 9th giving the parents two weeks to decide and the survey concluded on October 23rd. On November 4th, letters were sent to parents who had not completed the survey, allowing them seven more days to respond. The result of the survey and subsequent letter yielded the following results:                       

Kindergarten: 1 student returning                 
First Grade:    10 students returning
Second Grade: 2 students returning            
Third Grade:  2 students returning
Fourth Grade: 2 students returning              
Fifth Grade:  4 Students returning
Sixth Grade:  5 students returning

Administration has discussed with faculty about the use of barriers to accommodate students or the possibility of moving classrooms to a larger space such as the cafeteria. Parents will be informed of the district's decision through a letter being mailed the week of November 30th. In this letter parents and students will be advised of their child’s class, a review of classroom COVID protocol, and the students busing information if needed. Mrs. Carutasu asked if any children had been denied readmittance to in-person education or busing. Mr. Siracuse responded that it was not necessary at this time. Mr. Pomerville and Mr. Siracuse reiterated that if the district did not receive a response to the survey or letter, the student would not be able to come back until the third semester. Mr. Lee asked if the parents of current in-person students would be notified of virtual students returning to their child’s classroom, and Mr. Pomerville responded that they would.

Ms. Bull reported that she has completed all of her announced observations for the general and special education teachers and things appear to be going well. She then stated that she and Mr. Davis have sent out a memo for parents that have not yet signed up for the health screening app to encourage them to do so.

Mr. Richardson reported that Student of the Month luncheons have resumed. This is a recognition of 7th and 8th grade students' efforts in the classroom and they are recommended for this by their teachers. He thanked Mrs. Gervasio for hosting this event. Mr. Richardson stated that it has been a smooth start to the second marking period and report cards would be mailed out to parents the following day.

Mr. Pomerville gave updates on the current quarantine situation due to COVID-19. While we were down to a few students being in precautionary quarantine, earlier that day we learned one of our elementary teachers had tested positive for COVID-19 and the District was coordinating with the Saratoga County DOH regarding contact tracing. Only one class was placed on fourteen day quarantine as well as some staff. Mr. Pomerville shared that numbers on the rise in the state and if we become a Yellow Zone, there is the potential that we will have to go to all virtual education. The District has multiple plans in place to improve on the virtual education situation we had in the spring. Mr. Pomerville introduced Mr. James Hayes as our interim Director of Facilities and reported he would be assisting the district to keep the building safe for students and staff as well as keeping the District on track with maintaining all safety and reporting requirements with the help of our Workplace Safety Coordinator Cynthia Holmes. Lastly Mr. Pomerville shared that the District had received a very generous donation from the US Census Bureau that included, PPE, hand sanitizers, sanitizing wipes, masks and office supplies.


  • Return to Interscholastic Athletics for Winter 2020-2021 (see attachment) - Mike Robbins, Athletic Director

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the minutes of the November 5, 2020 Board Meeting.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the following warrants and corresponding audits

    • General Fund 22 for $243,049.26
    • Special Aid 7 for $23,500.00
    • School Lunch 6 for $5,217.88
    • Extra Class 1 for $2,610.70
    • Capital Fund 5 for $128,593.35

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the Treasurer’s Report for October 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the Appropriations Report for October 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the Revenue Report for October 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the Extra Classroom Fund Report for October 2020. 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the appointment of Rebecca Valcik as Cafeteria Monitor for the 2020-2021 school year; salary per the CSEA contract; effective November 12, 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the appointment of James Hayes as Interim Director of Facilities at $350 per day or a minimum of  $50 per hour; effective November 16, 2020 until December 10, 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the resignation of Sophia Filuta, Teaching Assistant effective December 1, 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the appointment of MacKenzie Burniche as elementary substitute teacher for the 2020-2021 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay;; pending fingerprint approval.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the Tax Reconciliation Report dated November 19, 2020, submitted by Cady Kuebler, District Treasurer

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the appointment the following individuals to the one year probationary position of bus monitor; salary and leave per the CSEA contract; prorated for the portion of the year worked; effective November 16, 2020 through November 16, 2021; Meagan Tremblay, Kristie Brundige, Kim Bryan and Kim Thomas.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the appointment of the following people as sub bus monitor for the 2020-2021 school year; salary per the CSEA contract; effective November 23, 2020; Amy Atwood and Sam Carson.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board approved the permanent appointment of Rhonda Mabee as Food Service Worker effective November 24, 2020 upon successful completion of her probationary period.


Mrs. Ricci reminded the Board and members of the community our next Board of Education meeting will be taking place on Thursday, December 10, 2020 and it will be the only board meeting for the month.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Catanzarita and by a vote of 6-0, the Board adjourned at 7:36pm.

                                                                 Donna Cramer, District Clerk