July 11, 2019

The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Goal Setting Meeting held Thursday, July 11, 2019 was called to order at 4:15 pm by Mrs. Marcia Ricci

PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, Tammi Dehler, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu

ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville

ABSENT: Jack Catanzarita

Board of Education dinner meeting and updates:

Discussion of Board officers for 2019 - 2020
Committee Liaisons
Procedures for Re-Organizational meeting
Facilities meeting - August 8th at 4:30pm
NYSSBA Convention
Buildings and Grounds Update
Momentive Tax Certiorari Update
Review of 2018 - 2019 BOE Goals
Development of 2019 - 2020 Goals

End of BOE Goals Meeting

The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Reorganizational Meeting held Thursday, July 11, 2019 was called to order at 7:09 pm by Mrs. Marcia Ricci

PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, Tammi Dehler, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu

ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville, Carol Lyon, Joseph Siracuse, Jennifer Bull, Christopher Scanlan, Joel Richardson, Jessica DiFabio

ABSENT: Jack Catanzarita

Election of permanent chairman of reorganizational meeting
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board elected Superintendent of Schools, Patrick Pomerville as chairman of reorganizational meeting.

Election and Oath of Office to President
On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board elected Marcia Ricci as Board of Education President.  Mr. Pomerville administered the oath of office.

Election and Oath of Office to Vice President
On motion by Mrs. Dehler, seconded by Mrs. Maloney and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board elected David Lee as Board of Education Vice President.  Mr. Pomerville administered the oath of office.

Mr. Pomerville welcomed and administered the Oath of Office to new Board Member, Denise Carutasu.

The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Ricci, President, Board of Education

Mrs. Ricci administered the Oath of Office to Patrick H. Pomerville, Superintendent of Schools. 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the following appointments and administer oaths of office to:
District Treasurer: Nancy Spretty
Clerk of the Board: Julie Caulkins

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District, Location Code: 74107, hereby establishes the following as standard work days for its employees and will report days worked to the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System based on the timekeeping system or the record of activities maintained and submitted by these members to the clerk of this body:  Business Manager: 7 hours per day; Account Clerk: 7 hours per day; Secretary to the Superintendent: 7 hours per day.  

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the following appointments:  
School Attorney: Girvin & Ferlazzo, PC
External Auditor: Marvin and Company
School Physician: Sun Medical Center, P.C.
Treasurer for Extra-Classroom Activity Account: Nancy Spretty
Attendance Clerk: Paula Caradori
Supervisors of the Extra-Classroom Activity Account: Faculty Auditor: Julie Caulkins; Chief Faculty Counselor: High School Principal
Civil Rights Compliance Officers: High School Principal and Director of Pupil Personnel Services
ADA and Section 504 Compliance Officer: Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Title IX Officers: High School Principal and Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Committee on Special Education and Pre-School Education designated members:   Jennifer Bull, Director of Student Support Services, Curriculum and Instruction; Karen Grimes, Psychologist; Kelly Denvir, Psychologist; Lindsay Fletcher as CSE Parent Representative/Member.
Committee on Special Education Chairpersons: Karen Grimes, Kelly Denvir Dignity Act Coordinator: Joel Richardson
LEA Asbestos Designee: Vincenzo Popolizio
Education Law 3038 Substance Abuse Resource Coordinator: Jessica DiFabio

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the following designations:
Official Bank Depository of all funds: Key Bank, NYCLASS
Regular monthly meeting dates: first and third Thursdays of each month
Official Newspaper: Gazette Newspaper

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board authorized the following for the 2019 - 2020 school year:
Chief School Officer to certify payrolls for the school year.
Board to authorize all employee payrolls as they become due pursuant to CSEA, WTA and WAA contract for the school year.
Designate Business Manager as School Purchasing Agent.
Authorization to establish a petty cash fund of $100 and the Business Manager to administer same.
Authorization to establish a Tax Collector petty cash fund for the months of September and October of $100 and the Business Manager to administer same.
Authorization to establish a petty cash fund of $50 for the Library and the Business Manager to administer same.
Authorization to establish a petty cash fund of $100 for the cafeteria and the Business Manager to administer same.
Designation of authorized signature on checks:
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve, pursuant to Education Law, Article 35, Section 1720.2, authorization of one signature, the Treasurer’s, in drawing down funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the absence or inability of the Treasurer to perform this duty, the President of the Board of Education is authorized to sign in the Treasurer’s place.
The Chief School Officer is authorized to represent the Board of Education of Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD for all State and Federal programs for the school year.
The Chief School Officer is authorized to approve the budget transfers not to exceed $1,000 per item.
The authorization to transfer funds, by the District Treasurer or the Business Manager, verbally or electronically with Key Bank, NYCLASS
Authorization of the Business Manager or Clerk of the Board to be present at all bid openings.
Authorization of destruction of records yearly as prescribed by law as determined by the Records Retention Officer.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the Recommend the Board approve the bonding of the following personnel:
District Treasurer
District Tax Collector
Treasurer of Extra-Classroom Activity Account
Cafeteria Manager

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the following items:
Establishment of mileage reimbursement rate at the current IRS reimbursement rate, adjusted as necessary to reflect periodic IRS adjustments.

Establishment of tuition rates for students attending BOCES Occupational Education programs at the current BOCES rate for the 2019-2020 school year

Tutoring rates for the 2019-2020 school year per the WTA contract.

Establishment of Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD tuition rates for the 2019 - 2020 school year: Elementary $8,965 High School $12,722. 

Approval of Substitute Teacher Pay Rate as follows:
Per diem rate: Non-certified substitute teacher $85 per day; NYS Certified teacher $100 per day
Short and Long Term Substitutes:
Short term leave (1-89 consecutive days for same WHUFSD teacher):  $85/$100 per day for days 1-10; $160 per day, beginning on the 11th day, not retroactive
Long term leave (appointed to a term substitute position of 90 consecutive days or longer for same WHUFSD teacher): $100 per day for days 1-10; $160 per day for days 11-89; beginning on the 90th day, paid at Step 1 daily rate and retroactive to day 1; may elect health insurance at current WTA contribution rate 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the establishment of Board Committees by President:
Finance/Insurance Policy/Program Development Rules & Curriculum/Employment Public Relations
Building & Grounds

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the establishment of liaisons to the following committees for Board representation:
Senior Citizens Legislative Curriculum Cabinet
Youth Council Town Board
Village Board Saratoga County School Boards

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board authorized  Board members to attend conferences, seminars and meetings for the 2019-2020 school year.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the establishment of Board of Education Audit Committee: Marcia Ricci,  David Lee, Tammi Dehler, Jamie Maloney, John Catanzarita, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the  the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District hereby designates Patrick Pomerville as the representative of the District to make all determinations regarding the eligibility of students to enroll, on a tuition free basis, in the schools of the District.  This designation affords Patrick Pomerville all rights and responsibilities pursuant to Part 100.2(y) of the regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD Guidance Plan.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 -0 the Board approved the following resolution for multi-year purchase agreements for the 2019 - 2020 school year:
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD may desire to enter into multiple Multi-Year Lease-Purchase Agreement(s) throughout the 2019 - 2020 school year with the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES to furnish certain services to the District pursuant to Education Law 1950 (4)(jj), those services being:  CoSer 504 Instructional Technology Services.
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD may enter into agreements for the lease-purchase of instructional equipment with the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES, in accordance with section 1725-a of the Education Law, with the payments to be applied against the purchase price of the equipment.  Said agreements(s) will be reviewed by the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD to ensure that any Multi-Year Lease Purchase Agreement(s) are in the best financial interest of the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD.
WHEREAS, the Multi-Year Lease-Purchase Agreement(s) with the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES will not exceed five year terms and not exceed $35,000 per each Lease-Purchase Agreement.  The Multi-Year Lease- Purchase Agreement(s) may include related borrowing fees, support and coordination fees, and insurance costs for the duration of each contract, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Education.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD authorizes the District to enter into Multi-Year Lease-Purchase Agreement(s) throughout the 2019 - 2020 school year with the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES for the provision of Instructional Technology Services to the District in an amount or amounts not to exceed $35,000, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Education.

End of Reorganizational Meeting


The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Regular Meeting held Thursday, July 11, 2019 was called to order at 7:09 pm by Mrs. Marcia Ricci

PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, Tammi Dehler, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu

ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville, Carol Lyon, Joseph Siracuse, Jennifer Bull, Christopher Scanlan, Joel Richardson, Jessica DiFabio

ABSENT: Jack Catanzarita

Comments from the Administration
Jennifer Bull, Director of Student Support Services, Curriculum and Instruction
Continuing interviews to fill special education teaching and teaching assistant positions
Interviewing for an Occupational Therapist

Joel Richardson, Jr./Sr. High School Assistant Principal
Continuing interviews to fill high school chorus teacher and school nurse positions
The 8th grade DARE program may be cut due to Town of Waterford Police schedule

Christopher Scanlan, Jr./Sr. High School Principal
Review of successful High School Graduation 
Meeting with new Mental Health Counselor from Saratoga Center for Families

Joseph Siracuse, Elementary Principal
Continuing interviews for two elementary teaching positions
Participation in the Saratoga County Fair Art Show
Resignation of Mrs. Murphy, Kindergarten Teacher
Tanya Cole, New Elementary Art Teacher
Summer School review

Patrick Pomerville, Superintendent of Schools
Town of Waterford received an initial proposal from Momentive to resolve the pending tax certiorari case.  Attorneys are meeting to review the proposal.  There was a previously scheduled status conference with Judge Crowell on Monday.  Both sides indicated the need for additional time to complete their respective appraisals.  The court agreed to move the appraisal exchange from August 1 to October 1, and to move the tentative trial date from October 29 to May 4, 2020.  The court also scheduled another conference for January 13, 2020.
District Emergency Response plan will be tabled pending more detail. 

Presentation: Class of 2019 Profile, Jessica DiFabio
Profile of the Class of 2019.pdf

Second Reading: Policy #7222 Diploma or Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Second Reading: Policy #7220 Graduation Options/Early Graduation/Accelerated Programs

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the minutes of the June 20, 2019 Board of Education Meeting.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following warrants:
School Lunch #30 for $404.51
General Fund #129 for $139,857.80

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following coaching appointments for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the WTA contract paid on a prorated basis as determined by the actual percentage of the season coached.

Fall Season
Varsity Boys Soccer: Ryan Hardy
Varsity Boys Soccer Assistant: Paul Galarneau (unpaid volunteer assistant)
JV Boys Soccer: Jeff Stein
Modified Boys Soccer: Lee Milikofsky
Varsity Girls Soccer: Meghan Reynolds
JV Girls Soccer: Nancy Houle
Modified Girls Soccer: Allie Hornung
Modified Girls Soccer Asst.: Tyler Hinds (unpaid volunteer assistant)
Golf: Patrick Parker
Girls Tennis: Jodi Ancin
Varsity Girls Volleyball: James Formosa
JV Girls Volleyball: Heather Sowle
Modified Volleyball: Noreen Gervasio

Winter Season
Varsity Boys Basketball: Brian Eastman
JV Boys Basketball: Todd Hayes
Modified Boys Basketball: Kale Rodrigues
JV Girls Basketball: Michelle Savoie
Girls Modified Basketball: Emily Aubin
Indoor Track & Field: Jeff Countois
Cheer: Cady Kuebler
Bowling: Lee Milikofsky

Spring Season
Varsity Baseball: Mike Robbins
Modified Baseball: Bill Kelts
Varsity Softball: Katie McGreevey & Emily Aubin
JV Softball: Karen Gentile
Boys Track & Field: Andrew Wein
Girls Track & Field: Allie Hornung
Modified Track & Field: Jodi Ancin

The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 4/4/2019, 5/14/2019, 5/31/2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board accepted, with regret, the resignation, for the purpose of retirement, of Jeanne Murphy, Kindergarten Teacher, after 38 years of dedicated service to the Waterford-Halfmoon school community.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved an increase to the approved 2018 - 2019 budget to accept a legislative grant-in-aid of $25,000 in support of general expenses.  The funds will be used towards the Dugout Project.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board accepted the resignation of Julie Wilson as Vocal Music Teacher effective June 30, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board adopted the following policies:
Policy #7222 Diploma or Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
Policy #7220 Graduation Options/Early Graduation/Accelerated Programs

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the  School District Legal Counsel Agreement between the District and Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C., dated July 11, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the Contract for School Health Services between the District and Sun Medical Care dated 6/19/2019. 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the 2019 - 2020 Project SAVE District-Wide School Safety Plan.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board tabled a vote on the 2019 - 2020 Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD Emergency Response Plan dated July 11, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the four year probationary appointment of Melissa Duquette as Teaching Assistant; effective September 1, 2019 through September 1, 2023; salary per the CSEA contract.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following warrants:
General Fund #132 $50,273.68
Capital Fund #20 $6,045.82
School Lunch #31 $63.02
Special Aid #38 $652.50

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Eileen Peck as Substitute Nurse for the summer school program, effective July 8, 2019. Salary per CSEA contract.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the four year probationary appointment of Marcus Alston as Teaching Assistant for the 2019-2020 school year; effective September 1, 2019;  salary per the CSEA contract.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the four year probationary period of Tanya Cole as elementary art teacher for the period September 1, 2019 through September, 1, 2023; salary per the WTA contract on Step 1; NYS Professional Certification in Visual Arts. 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved a request from Carol Burniche for a thirteen day unpaid leave of absence July 15-31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the following summer curriculum appointments; salary per the WTA contract:  Laura Clothier, Next-Gen Science, 10 hours

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved   extended summer transportation contracts with Durham School Services at the May 31, CPI of 1.5 % to the following schools:

CP Center Langan School                        $  6,507.00    Summer Program
Summer School 66 pass     @ $259.78/day        $15,587.00   Local Program
Summer School 12/30 pass @ $217.54/day   $  6,429.60   Out of District

Recommend that the Board of Education approve the following school year contract extension with Star & Strand at the May 31 CPI of 1.5%:

Oak Hill School  @ $208.03/day      $  37,446.00           
Oak Hill School Summer @ $204.35       $   6,131.00

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board approved the  following school year contract extensions at the May 31 CPI of 1.5%: 

Durham School Services 
                    To and From School      $   549,045.00
                    BOCES                         $      51,089.00
                    Field Trips:
                                Driving            $        44.05
                                Waiting            $        36.04
                                Minimum          $      122.06
        Non-Public Schools Combination    $      49,741.00
                    Combination Bid 2004            $      45,222.00
                    Langan School                    $      39,088.00
                    Niskayuna High School              $      44,006.00
                Loudonville Christian                 $      16,946.00
                    Sanford St/ SAEC                          $      36,167.00
                    Susan Taylor Odell                 $      18,155.00
                    Combined Private                    $      85,991.00

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Dehler and by a vote of 6 - 0 the Board adjourned at 7:42pm.

Patrick Pomerville
Clerk Pro-tem