November 21, 2019

The Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District Board of Education Regular Meeting dated November 21, 2019 was called to order by Mrs. Marcia Ricci at 7:00pm.

PRESENT: Marcia Ricci, David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu

ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Pomerville, Joel Richardson, Rachel Schwendinger, Jennifer Bull, Christopher Scanlan

There were no comments from residents or staff regarding items on this evening’s action agenda.

Comments from Administration
Mr. Scanlan reported on the following:
Noreen Gervasio, Family and Consumer Science Teacher, has reached out to the community and will coordinate access to career opportunities for students in the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) program.  Mrs. Bull and Mrs. Hackel are working to assist with that program.  Ideal Body, PetCo. and Hewitt’s Garden Center have agreed to participate. 
Mr. Scanlan continues to work with Curtis Lumber to introduce our students to the building trades.  Representatives were here with employment information for those students 18 years of age or older.  
Sam Kelsey, current Junior year student, is now a published author and will be here on Tuesday, November 26th at 9:30am to discuss his book and explain the publishing process.  Mr. Scanlan said he was very proud of Sam and excited about the presentation.  He extended an invitation to the Board members to attend.

Mr. Richardson reported on the following:
The High School Drama Club will present Ghost Hunt on Friday, November 22, 2019 at 7pm.  Mr. Richardson congratulated Mrs. Rishel, Mr. Byron and the drama club students for the great job they are doing.
The Junior/Senior High Band and Chorus holiday concert will be held on December 9, 2019.

Mrs. Bull reported on the following:
The November 1st Superintendent’s Conference Day went very well.  Presentations focused on student data and Next Generation Standards.  Some teachers visited other districts.  Mrs. Bull and Mr. Pomerville are currently working to develop a schedule for the March 18, 2020 Superintendent’s Conference Day.
There were Teacher and Teaching Assistant openings in the Special Education department that are now filled after a continuing search and interview process this fall.
Elementary parent/teacher conferences will be held Friday, November 22nd and Tuesday, November 26th.

Mr. Pomerville reported on the following:
The SEQRA notice for the baseball and softball dugouts on tonight’s action agenda, needed to be revised to reflect two separate NYS Education Department projects with their own official project numbers.  Mr. Pomerville is looking to solicit community volunteers in support of a  portion of this project.
Mr. Pomerville, along with the support of Board of Education members, has provided information to various community groups in preparation for the upcoming capital construction project vote on December 10, 2019.
Mr. Pomerville will again highlight specific aspects of the capital construction project at the next Town of Waterford meeting and at a public presentation here at school. 
The informational brochure has been mailed to all district residents.  Display boards are being prepared for the public presentation here at school.  
The annual senior citizen holiday band and chorus concert together with a traditional holiday luncheon will be held on Friday, November 22, 2019.  Our junior high student government students will help to serve the meals.

Ms. Schwendinger reported on new business office procedures:
Revenue Status reports will be on the BOE agenda monthly for Board approval.
Warrants will no longer be placed on the BOE addendum.  All warrants will be sent to the BOE on the agenda so that members have that information prior to the meeting.  However, some of the bills will have to be paid before Board approval due to different billing cycles.  In support for this decision, Ms. Schwendinger and Mr. Pomerville noted the work of our BOE appointed District Claims Auditor, Mrs. Caradori, who has legal authority to review and approve all warrants prior each Board meeting as an additional layer of oversight.   Ms. Schwendinger is confident of vendor support if concerns arise and welcomes any questions or comments from the Board of Education.

All administrators wished everyone best wishes for the upcoming holiday season


First Reading Policy #7110 Comprehensive Student Attendance
First Reading Policy #7221 Participation in Graduation Ceremonies and Activities

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the minutes of the November 7, 2019 Board of Education Meeting.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the Treasurer’s Report ending October 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the Student Funds ending October 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the following warrant:  General Fund #31 for $48,059.79

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, by resolution dated May 4, 2017, the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District (“District”) approved the sharing of defense costs with the Town of Waterford (“Town”) in certain tax certiorari cases filed by Momentive Performance Materials (“Momentive”), seeking a reduction in their assessed value, and

WHEREAS, actions are still pending and are being defended by the Town; and

WHEREAS, the Town has requested that the District continue to share in the costs and benefits of joint representation,

NOW, THEREFORE, the District hereby RESOLVES THAT:
The Superintendent of School is authorized to contribute and pay up to 50% of the costs and expenses incurred by the Town in defending the current Momentive tax certiorari cases, and it is further resolved that

Such costs cannot exceed $250,000, without the express further approval and authorization of the Board of Education of the District. 

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the creation of a Data Privacy Officer administrative position; stipend of $4,000 per year.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the Data Privacy Officer job description.

          The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 11/5/2019, 11/6/2019

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved a request from Carol Burniche, Sr. Typist, Elementary Office,  for an 8 day unpaid leave of absence in December.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the final request from Mrs. Bridgers to take the 7th and 8th grade art students to the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (Mass MoCa) on January 31, 2020.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board accepted the District Tax Reconciliation Report dated November 15, 2019 as submitted by Cady Kuebler, Financial Support Specialist.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved a request from Donna Curtis, Cafeteria Monitor, for a 4 day leave of absence.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Nancy Spretty as Deputy Treasurer effective November 21, 2019 subject to the same terms and conditions of employment as she had as Treasurer.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Cady Kuebler as the District Treasurer effective November 21, 2019, in accordance with the letter of agreement dated November 8, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the Revenue Status Report ending October 31, 2019

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the Appropriation Status Report ending October 31, 2019.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the following warrants:
Capital Fund #8 for $3,770.74
School Lunch #8 for $6,186.51
Special Aid #15 for $266.04
General Fund #35 for $606,592.43

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the four year probationary appointment of Michael Werblin as Teaching Assistant effective November 22, 2019; 6 hours per day, salary per the CSEA contract.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the four year probationary appointment of Sonya Daniels as Teaching Assistant effective December 16, 2019; 6 hours per day; salary per the CSEA contract.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Eric Harwood as substitute custodian for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the CSEA contract; pending fingerprint approval.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Courtney Shea as elementary school substitute teacher for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay.    
The Board reviewed CSE minutes dated 10/28/19, 11/18/19.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the attached SEQRA notice pertaining to construction of softball and baseball dugouts.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney, and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board approved the appointment of Amanda Briell as substitute teacher for the 2019 - 2020 school year; salary per the policy on substitute teacher pay.

There were no comments from the Board of Education, residents or staff.

On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mrs. Maloney and by a vote of 5 - 0 the Board adjourned at 7:23pm.

Julie Caulkins
District Clerk