Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
Teachers continuously assess students’ progress and modify their teaching approaches to best reach each student. These approaches can include but are not limited to:
- Small group instruction
- Individualized instruction
- Providing supplemental materials
- Computer-assisted instruction
- Co-teaching (increased teacher/student ratio)
- Scheduling to increase instructional time in a particular area
Students in danger of not reaching New York State Learning Standards will be the primary recipients of AIS, and parents will receive regular notification of these students’ progress.
AIS Identification for Services
Per the amended Commissioner’s Regulations 100.2 regarding the methodology by which school districts identify students in grades 3-8 to receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS), which involves a 2-step process, WHUFSD has developed the following procedures:
Elementary- Grades 3-6 ELA
Identify students whose scale score fall below the Median Scale Score between Levels 2 and 3 using the tables provided by SED.
Of those students, identify their A to Z or F&P reading level. If their reading level falls below the latter half of the previous grade level, then those students would be provided AIS services.
Elementary- Grades 3-6 Math
Identify students whose scale score fall below the Median Scale Score between Levels 2 and 3 using the tables provided by SED.
Of those students, identify their AIMSWeb math benchmark scores and Go Math post-test scores at their previous grade level. If the scores are below expectations, then students are provided math AIS services.
Jr./Sr. High School-Grades 7-9 ELA and Math
Identify students whose scale score fall below the Median Scale Score between Levels 2 and 3 using the tables provided by SED.
Of those students identified, students are provided on-going progress monitoring using lesson embedded assessments. If scores are below expectations, then students are provided either direct instruction, Connect 2, after school support or a modified ELA class and continue to be progress monitored.
New York State ESSA-Funded Programs Complaint Procedures
Below is a link to find the process for resolving complaints submitted to the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Office of ESSA-Funded Programs alleging that a local educational agency (LEA), grantee or NYSED has violated a law, rule, or regulation in the administration of any “covered Federal program” under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).