As of Monday, March 4, the School District of Washington has missed eight days due to inclement weather; Nov. 15, Jan. 11, Jan. 14, Jan. 30, Jan. 31, Feb. 1, Feb. 20 and Feb. 28.
Click here for the revised 2018-19 academic calendar.
According to the Board of Education approved 2018-19 academic calendar, inclement weather days will be made up in the following order:
May 23-24, April 22, March 18-19, May 28-30.
The Nov. 15 snow day will be made up on May 23.
The Jan. 11 snow day will be made up on May 24.
The Jan. 14 snow day will be made up on April 22.
The schedule was revised that the Jan. 30 missed day was made up on Monday, Feb. 18, Presidents' Day.
The Jan. 31 snow day will be made up on March 18 (spring break week).
The Feb. 1 snow day will be made up on March 19 (spring break week).
The Feb. 20 snow day will not be made up because the District changed to full days on Friday, March 8 (previously a modified day), along with May 1, 8, 15 and 22 (previously early release days).
The snow day on Feb. 28 was forgiven by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
The last day of the school year currently stands at Friday, May 24, but is subject to change with additional missed days.
At this point, Washington High School graduation is still scheduled for May 23. It could be moved if there are additional missed days. If there are additional missed days, a final decision on the date of graduation will be made after the total number of snow days for this school year is known. The District must meet State guidelines in the areas of instructional hours and/or days of attendance.
Elementary Schools
The November 15 snow day will be made up on May 23 (D day).
The January 11 snow day will be made up on May 24 (A day).
The January 14 snow day will be made up on April 22 (B day).
The January 30 snow day will be made up on February 18 (A day).
The January 31 snow day will be made up on March 18 (B day).
The February 1 snow day will be made up on March 19 (C day).