Nominations are being accepted for the School District of Washington and WINGS Support Staff of the Year.
The candidate must be a non-certified employee of the School District of Washington. Examples include, but are not limited to, paraprofessionals, technology staff, custodians, buildings and grounds, maintenance, administrative assistants, food service, and nurses.
Anyone may submit a nomination for the School District of Washington and WINGS Support Staff of the Year; however, if it’s someone other than the building principal or supervisor, a letter of support from the principal or supervisor is to be included with the nomination.
The principal and/or person submitting the nomination must include a statement in 300 words or less why they believe the support staff they are nominating should be selected.
Specific examples should be cited, such as how the individual goes the extra mile to positively impact the school and environment.
Include the individual’s name, school or building, present position, years of experience in the School District of Washington, responsibilities and duties and examples of how the individual has mastered their job responsibilities.
Superintendent Dr. Lori VanLeer and a committee will review the nominations and submit up to 10 to the WINGS Board for final selection. The recipient will be announced at the staff closing ceremony.
Click here for the nomination form. Please turn it in to the individual’s building principal or supervisor by February 15.
Click here for more information on the nomination process for the School District of Washington and WINGS Support Staff of the Year.