Update: No School Tuesday, February 16 (Snow Day)
There will be no school for students and staff in the School District of Washington on Friday, February 12 (non-contract day) and on Monday, February 15 (Presidents’ Day). Those dates are scheduled days off on the Board approved academic calendar.
A reminder that beginning on Tuesday, February 16, all K-12 students will be on campus for in-person instruction five days a week. Elementary and Four Rivers Career Center students already have been in-person for five days. Middle school and high school students will now make the transition as well.
If students or parents do not feel comfortable attending in-person five days, online coursework is still available. Please contact your building principal for those details.
The School District of Washington and Board of Education will need to remain flexible and cannot rule out adjusting the schedule as the situation may require at any time.
The School District of Washington is following the Missouri Guidelines for close contact quarantines. This means that mask to mask contact is analyzed before determining who needs to be quarantined when in close contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive. Staff and students should continue to practice the following measures:
*Proper mask wearing is over the mouth and the nose. That is the expectation.
*Wearing the correct type of face covering (note that gaiters must be double layered to count for mask to mask quarantine rules).
*Students and staff with illness or symptoms should not come to school.
*Frequent hand washing/sanitizing.
*Social distance as much as possible.
For a visual as to the CDC guidelines for face coverings,
please click here. Keep in mind that the School District of Washington does not establish the guidelines established by the CDC or the Missouri Guidelines for mask to mask contact, we just follow them. If you have questions, please refer to your school nurse. They are very well versed and can answer any questions that may need clarification.