This procedure is for the procurement of new technology resources, or major modifications to existing technology resources. For typical repairs or maintenance, utilize the regular help desk process.
Consult with your administrator about what you're looking to do or have added. They will likely be responsible for paying for this, so you need to get their approval before starting.
Login to the
HelpDesk-IncidentIQ and submit a New Ticket with the category of "Request a Quote." Make sure that you give a complete description of what you're looking for in the "Notes" section of the ticket. Include hyperlinks to websites if appropriate.
Technology folks will put together a quote and send it to you through the IncidentIQ/email system and ask if you wish to proceed.
Take the quote to your administrator to make sure they're willing to fund the request. If they are, respond to the HelpDesk-IncidentIQ ticket that you wish to proceed with the order. If not, then please respond with cancellation or "do not proceed."
If you're proceeding, Technology will send you an electronic version of the Tech Request form. You'll see this form in your email account as a DocHub document. You'll need to open it and complete the areas of the form that are assigned to you. The first time you complete one of these forms, you'll be prompted to create a signature. Just follow the prompts, and use your finger to create your signature right on your Chromebook's touchscreen.
The form will then automatically go to your administrator for approval and entry of the appropriate account codes. Once that happens, Technology will order your equipment.
When the equipment arrives, Technology will will setup, deliver, and/or install your equipment as needed. The last step will be for you to sign off on a hard copy of the Tech Request form that will then be stored with the PO and invoices. This final signature indicates that you have received the items requested.