The School District of Washington has the distinction of being able to award students with the Seal of Biliteracy.
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district, or state in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.
The School District of Washington is one of only 114 districts in the state to offer the Seal of Biliteracy. The Missouri Seal of Biliteracy is endorsed by multiple colleges and universities, as well as a number of businesses. Students with the Seal of Biliteracy on their transcripts are awarded up to 18 credits at participating universities.
The following WHS students have earned the Seal in English and a World Language:
William Schenk - Spanish
Daniel Hotra - French
Shamus Rylee - German
Josie Kluesner - German
Nicole Fitzpatrick - German
McLaine Graham - German
The Seal of Biliteracy opportunity is open to all world language students in the district. Students who are interested in attaining the Seal of Biliteracy should work with their world language teachers. Students need to score well on their English II E.O.C as well as on a world language exam.
Six Washington High School students have received the Seal of Biliteracy award. From left are Shamus Rylee, Daniel Hotra, Josie Kluesner, Nicole Fitzpatrick, McLaine Graham and William Schenk.