Due to the Board of Education’s approval of the academic calendar and the structure of teacher contract days, the School District of Washington will continue with its inclement weather plan as originally approved.
In the event of inclement weather, the first six days will remain as snow days and virtual learning will not be expected. Students need to have some normalcy this school year and deserve to have fun on snow days. The seventh snow day and beyond will be virtual learning days.
The School District of Washington’s secondary schools are in the hybrid schedule. In the event of an inclement weather day, the schedule will be adjusted to properly and equally address the day missed. For example, if an inclement weather day is called on what would have been an “A” day, the first day back to school is still an “A” day. This ensures continuity of instruction and keeps A and B days as equal as possible for our students. This type of schedule is similar to schools that utilize a block schedule consistently and is considered a best practice. A call blast will go out with a reminder when this situation occurs. Thank you for your cooperation and be safe this winter.