WMS Students of Week October (2)

Washington Middle School October Students of the Week
Posted on 11/16/2023
WMS Students of Week OctoberWashington Middle School recently recognized its students of the week for October, 2023.

The students were nominated by their team’s teachers as part of the #Blue Jay Way-Positive Behavior Program.

Those who were recognized showed positive behavior, citizenship, respect and kindness to themselves, to others, and to their school.

Photos of the students of the week from Washington Middle School are below.

Names and teams of the students of the week for October are below.

7 Blue Team

Jackson Hill, Keira King, Ally Fleer, Bennett Narup, Maia Comer, William McMasters, Elayna Raney and Anderson Collins.

7 White Team

Joseph Gainous, Adrienne Tapley, Bowen Rice, Landon Reagan, Camden Gillette, Kimia Ferdowsi, Oliver Lohmeyer and Emma Owenby.

8 Blue Team

Kaitlyn Schmitz, Olivia Schlueter, Nate Krausz, Bryn Allen, Dasia Norman and Peyton Sullivan.

8 White Team

Cole Scheidegger, Emerson Huse, Paula Marquez Diaz, Tiara Reed, Tyler Repke, Josh Bergin, Simon Weber and Carson Helsene.

Jay Team

Taylor Sawicki and Ashton Costello.

Encore Team

Bennett Narup, Adrianna Hotra, Gia Hughes, Kalyn Sullenger, Eli Snider, Jazzy Heien, Simon Weber and Jade Kresse.

Cafeteria Ladies

Augustus Pillow, Adrianna Hotra, Grace McBride and Jayden Blumhorst.

Office, Counselor, SRO, Misc.

Owen Shaffar and Connor Harmon.

WMS Students of Week October
Washington Middle School Students of the Week, October 2023