SDOW Re-Entry Overview

School District of Washington Re-Entry Overview for 2020-21 School Year
Posted on 08/05/2020
SDOW Re-Entry OverviewThe School District of Washington has released a Re-entry overview document, outlining four possible scenarios, for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.

Click here for the executive summary.

Click here for the re-entry overview document.

The overview document outlines a green, yellow, and red plan, any of which could be implemented at any given time as circumstances change.

After months of weekly meetings with area school district leaders, medical professionals, and public health officials, as well as analysis of data from parent and staff surveys, the plans have been developed and aligned.

The overview document identifying our general plans has been provided to give some advance notice. A detailed plan outlining numerous protocols is under final development and will be presented to the Board of Education at their July 29 meeting. The entire plan will then be shared with the public. A decision regarding how we start the school year will be announced by August 10.

Parent Choice E-Learning (online virtual courses) registration begins July 21 and will run through July 30. Registration documents can be found on the school district’s website.

Re-Entry Overview

The vision is for the School District of Washington to provide an inspiring educational environment by means of challenging, relevant and purposeful learning experiences designed to prepare students for their future.

The SDOW is committed to an engaged and customized approach to education and encourages innovation and development of creativity to help students explore their purpose and passions as they acquire the skills and attributes necessary to be college and career ready.

Scenario 1: On Campus 5 Days/In-Person

*Students attend school on campus and meet in person for instruction from certified SDOW educators.

*Curriculum is taught and the Google Classroom learning management system used to support classroom content, organization and student intervention.

*Implementation of health practices as advised by CDC guidance and local public health departments (screening, distancing where applicable, scheduled transitions, frequent hand washing/sanitizing, etc.).

*Masks may become required for staff and students in certain grades/buildings, water bottles only (drinking fountains closed).

Scenario 2: Hybrid Model (In-Person and E-Learning)

*Secondary schools only. Elementary schools remain in Scenario 1.

*Secondary students attend on a modified schedule designed to reduce class sizes (on campus two days, e-learning three days) on A or B days (A days last names A-K, B days last names L-Z).

Scenario 3: Hybrid Model (In-Person and E-Learning)

*All students attend on a modified schedule designed to reduce class sizes (on campus two days, e-learning three days) on A or B days (schedule coming soon).

*Curriculum is taught with an emphasis on focus skills and the Google Classroom learning management system used to support classroom content, organization and student intervention.

*Implementation of health practices and other recommendations (same as Scenario 1). Masks may become required.

Scenario 4: Exclusive E-Learning

*E-Learning at Home: Students participate in newly designed e-learning at home.

*Teachers will be using Google Classroom learning management system to support classroom content, organization and student intervention.

*Curriculum is taught by SDOW certified educators.

*An all virtual learning program may also include courses provided by external, but SDOW approved online vendors with SDOW educators serving as the teachers of record.

Parent Choice

Families will have the option to enroll in SDOW facilitated or approved virtual learning environment for students in grades K-12, regardless of whether the District is in Scenarios 1-4. Registration runs July 21-30. See the district website for registration documents.

All of the scenarios listed could occur within the 2020-21 school year. Please plan accordingly. The School District of Washington appreciates the cooperation of staff, students and parents.

SDOW Re-Entry Graphic