The Washington High School Athletic Association will host its 28th Annual Dinner Auction, “Blue Jay Tailgating Party,” on Saturday, April 17, starting at 3 p.m. at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1121 Columbus Lane in Washington.
The event will include a drive through dinner, a Facebook live auction, music, 50/50 drawing, and other tailgating activities.
The drive through pork steak dinner will run from 4:30-6 p.m. The Facebook live auction will begin at 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to reserve a meal, even if not participating in the later events. The cost of the dinner is $10 per plate, which includes pork steak, potato, vegetable, salad and bottled water.
To register for the dinner, please click here.
To participate in the auction, please check out the Washington High School Athletic Association Facebook page. A list of auction items along with a photo will be included on Facebook as well as on display the night of the auction. Donations for the auction are being accepted.
WHSAA supports all athletics from seventh grade through the varsity level with new uniforms, equipment, and other items.
Click here for more details on the event.
For more information, contact Stacy Schiermeier at 636-358-2467.