Welcome to the page of
Mr. Miller

Phone: (812) 462-4396
Email: jfm@vigoschools.org

Mr. Miller came to Woodrow Wilson Middle School from McLean Alternative High School.  Before becoming the Dean of Students, Mr. Miller was a Physical Education and Health Teacher.  Mr. Miller earned his Bachelor of Science Degree, Masters Degree, and Administrative License from Indiana State University.  Please feel free to contact Mr. Miller at 812-462-4396 or email him at jfm@vigoschools.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Attendance Policies & Practices:
Attendance expectations are set forth to assist students in being successful in school and in life outside of their school experience. An emphasis on excellent attendance will benefit students as they will have the maximum opportunity for achievement in schools, and they will gain valuable life skills to be used beyond their school experience. It is anticipated that all students, at one time or another in their lifetime, may be employed and will be expected to be on time and at work each and every day. It is with this knowledge that the Vigo County School Corporation has established this attendance expectation: students will be in school and on time each and every day school is in session. This is an important issue and one that requires the support of parents, the school corporation staff, the Vigo County community, as well as the students themselves.

Bullying another student will be grounds for disciplinary action ranging from direction/correction to suspension to expulsion. Bullying is defined as overt, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communication transmitted; physical act committed; or any other behaviors committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student.

Cell Phones & Paging Devices
The VCSC Board of Trustees passed a revised policy concerning cell phones/pagers on April 26, 2008. The policy was effective May 10, 2008.

  • A student may possess a cell phone/paging device in school, on school property, at after school activities, and at school related functions, provided that during school hours* and on a school bus* the cell phone/paging device remains off and out of sight. When directed by a staff member during a school crisis/emergency or even at an after school event cell phones/pagers must be turned off. A student possessing a cell phone/paging device shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time will the VCSC be responsible for preventing theft, loss, or damage to cell phones/paging devices brought onto its property.
  • Cell phones/pagers are not to be used on the school bus on regular routes and/or from the time a student enters the building upon arrival at school for the start of their school day until the end of the school day dismissal bell.
  • Guidelines for all VCSC middle/high school students – Students who are in violation of point number one (1) above will be required to give the entire phone (battery, sim card, etc) to the school authority making the demand. Search of cell phone contents will only occur under legal guidelines of “reasonable suspicion” of a secondary violation. Persons bringing a cell phone or electronic device to school or a school event are under the above “implied consent” agreement. This would apply to parents or legal guardians of those who are under age 18 as well as those over the age of 18.

Tardies to Class
Once the bell rings to begin class, students not in the classroom will be marked tardy. How teachers determine a detention for a tardy will be up to the individual teacher. [

A student is considered truant when he or she is not in attendance in school, class, or other assigned activity, without the permission of parents, legal guardians, and/or designated school official(s). A student will be considered truant if he or she misses a class for more than ten (10) minutes and there have been no previous parental contacts. Truancy is also when a student is absent and does not make contact with the school.

A favorite quote is by Hall of Fame basketball coach John Wooden, “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”