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Mrs. Sluder

“If people cannot write well, they cannot think well,

and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.”

– George Orwell




Educational and Professional Background:

In 2011, I graduated from Franklin College with a BA in English, Secondary Education, and Creative Writing. Some of my greatest accomplishments at Franklin include graduating Magna Cum Laude with a 3.8 GPA, earning the Excellence in Secondary Education award and the Outstanding Future Educator award, and winning a contest for best poetry in FC’s school literary magazine, The Apogee.

In my time at Franklin, I had the opportunity to student teach in three different middle schools and three different high schools, where I gathered dozens of wonderful strategies from talented teachers around the Indianapolis area. I had pictured myself teaching high school, but I realized in my first middle school placement that I belonged there. When I tell people that, I get some wild looks; however, I really do love the middle school age: old enough for me to hold higher expectations, but young enough for them to still laugh at my lame jokes. 

While I did attend college outside of Terre Haute, I am a product of the Vigo County School Corporation: Ouabache Elementary, Chauncey Rose Middle School, and Terre Haute North High School. I am proud of my education and very proud to now be an educator.

This is my 11th year teaching, all at Woodrow Wilson, and it’s my ninth year teaching 8th grade. I began at WW in August of 2011, teaching 7th grade on a cart (traveling from room to room). I greatly enjoy helping my students prepare for high school and gather the skills needed to become more productive, organized, and thoughtful young adults.

Personal Information:

In my spare time, I enjoy:

  • reading and listening to audio books
  • lounging with my cats, Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Tulip
  • exercising
    • I teach a dance fitness class in the evenings, as well as run and strength train regularly. If it’s active, I’m into it!
  • traveling
    • My husband’s and my goal is to make it to all the states eventually, focusing on small river towns or any place that offers great history and architecture.
  • and doing absolutely anything, including nothing, with my husband, Josh–you might know him as a 7th grade English teacher here at Woodrow Wilson.