Miss Cardinal, First Grade Teacher
Hello, my name is Kylie Cardinal. I am a teacher at Sugar Creek Consolidated. I began teaching in 2020. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Indiana.
I am a life long resident of Vigo County. I am a graduate of West Vigo High School. I love teaching first grade! I enjoy helping children succeed in their education. I love spending time with my family. I spend most of my time enjoying my niece and nephew.
The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
-Dr. Suess
Here are some items that our classroom could use. I appreciate all of your help!
-Hand Sanitizer
-Clorox Wipes
-Band Aids
Weekly Special Schedule
Daily Schedule
8:00-8:30: Homeroom
8:30-9:00: IE
9:00-10:25: Reading
10:30-10:40: Recess
10:45-11:55: Math
12:00-12:35: Lunch/Recess
12:40-1:00: SS/SC/H
1:05-1:45: Specials
1:50-2:00: SS/SC/H
2:05-2:35: Writing