Ms. Shelly Toon
Functional Curriculum Teacher

I am a graduate of Shakamak High School in Jasonville, Indiana. I earned a BS in Elementary Education from Indiana State University and received my teaching certification in Special Education-Intensive Instruction from IUPUI. I have been teaching for 24 years, 23 of those years at Riley Elementary. There is no place else I would rather be. I have one daughter, Macy, who is an Occupational Therapist at Perry Township Schools in Indianapolis, Indiana. She is a former Riley Racer.
Phone: (812) 462-4449
Functional Curriculum Program  

As part of a continuum of Special Education Services and Support, Riley Elementary offers a Functional Curriculum Program for students with intensive support needs. Services and Supports are provided as part of a highly individualized program as determined by a student’s Individual Education Plan.

For daily communication, we prefer a written note in a Home/School Log as the main means of communication between Home and School. It is the ONE place where you can provide information to all of us, and request information from us on a daily basis. When used consistently these notebooks are checked each morning upon the students arrival to school. Classroom/school staff also attempt to write a note each day to share information.

Please use this notebook to:

  • Provide information you think may be beneficial to school staff about events going on at home
  • Share any changes in your child’s schedule, routine etc. that may affect their performance at school
  • Ask questions or request information
I check my email daily before and after school. (Before my students arrive and after they leave!)
I am available to take phone calls for things that cannot wait during the school day, or you can leave a message with the school secretary. Feel free to text me at anytime; however, please don’t use text messaging if you need an immediate response. I will get back to you, but it may be several hours later.

If you need to discuss a confidential matter or wish to contact me personally, you may email me at or call me at Riley Elementary (812)462-4449.

I really have only ever had three rules in my classroom.

It is never ok to hurt someone else with your hands, feet or your words.

Be the best you that you can be.

And everyday is a new start.


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