The Patterson Press
August 26-30, 2024
We are off to a great start! We are all growing together and learning so many new and exciting things in 4th grade! I have really enjoyed getting to know all your children, and let me tell you…THEY ARE AWESOME! I sent home our class social contract in the Friday Folder. The students created the list of expectations for this school year. Our contract will help ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Not all papers that are sent home and graded are put in the grade book. Only papers with a letter grade will go in the grade book. Pages marked “TIC” were completed in class together.
Important Dates
August 12 – September 20 PTO Membership Drive
August 27 – 2-Hour Delay
August 27 – 4th Grade Hearing Screening
September 5 – PTO Meeting 3pm
September 13 – Riley Store
September (24-27 Exact Date TBD) Pioneer Days Field Trip
Reading, Grammar, and Spelling
Please see the ELA Wonders Newsletter which will be sent home in your child’s planner Monday.
There will not be a Reading test this week. The Spelling test will be Wednesday and Friday, if needed. Students that get all the words correct on Wednesday receive a trip to the treasure box and free Chromebook time during the final test on Friday. We will be working with words with long vowel sounds this week. The Grammar test will be on Friday and cover sentences.
Social Studies
We will start Unit 1. Indiana’s Land and People. Access to the book is located on Canvas in the Social Studies Module. Next month we will be taking a field trip to Fowler Park to learn more about early pioneers in Indiana. I love history, I hope my enthusiasm rubs off on the entire class!
We will have an assessment over Topic 1 on Monday and move to Topic 3 the rest of the week. Slides are available for every lesson on Canvas in the Math Module. We will have a review quiz on Friday.
3-1: Multiply by Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000
Mathematics: Multiply multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 using mental math and place-value strategies.
Language: Complete equations to show how I can multiply multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000
Multiply multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 using mental math and place-value strategies.
3-2: Estimate Products
Mathematics: Use rounding to estimate products, and check if answers are reasonable.
Language: Read and say the terms reasonable and not reasonable to describe answers.
Use rounding to estimate products, and check if answers are reasonable.
3-3: Use Arrays and Partial Products to Multiply
Mathematics: Use arrays and partial products to multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Language: List partial products that represent arrays to multiply.
Use arrays and partial products to multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
**I sent home your child’s math practice book. This aligns with the lesson we will be doing each day at school.This will allow extra practice at home, should you choose. As an incentive, any pages your child completes and brings back to school will earn them a small prize.
Friday Folders
I have put parent signature sheets in the Friday Folders. Please remove all pages from the folders, sign, and send back to school on Monday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible@