Welcome to
Mrs. Jarvis’s

Phone: (812) 462-4449
Email: klj@vigoschools.org

About Mrs. Jarvis

Hello!  I’m Katrina Jarvis and I am in my 30th year of teaching.  Yes, I know that makes me sound old, but age is only a number.  Right? I have been at Riley since 1995.  My first teaching experiences were with kindergarten students.  Naturally, I graduated to second grade, and have been here ever since.  I am proud to be a teacher at Riley Elementary school.  It is the greatest school around!  When I’m not at school, I am usually with my family.  I have three children of my own.  They are all adults.   Jackson is the oldest, and he is 29 years old. He graduated from Ivy Tech with an Agricultural Science degree.   He currently works at Joink in Terre Haute, Indiana.  Kaylin is a 2017 Indiana State University graduate, and 27 years old.  She lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, and works for an accounting firm as a  CPA.    Kyla is my youngest.  She graduated from Rose Hulman Institute of Technology in 2020 and is 24. She married her husband CJ Brown on July 10th of 2020. These two work from home.  They live in the Broad Ripple area.   As parents we love our children unconditionally and want them to feel loved as they succeed.  We accept their strengths and weaknesses and help them as individuals. They are all very different, so it is my hope that your child will be inspired to do his or her personal best as a member of my classroom.    Working together, let’s help them have the best school year yet.   Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions.  Cherish being a parent of young ones, time sure flies when you’re having fun!

Second Grade Supplies 2023-2024

Please label all supplies with your child’s name.  If you have purchased school supplies that were not listed above you may keep them at home. Thank you!

  • Plastic School box- 8 ½” x 5”
  • 20 pencils (sharpened if possible/please no mechanical pencils)
  • Erasers
  • 4 small glue sticks (please no glue in bottles)
  • 1 pair of 5” pointed scissors
  • 1 box of 48 count crayons (please no markers or colored pencils)
  • 1 composition notebook
  • 4 heavy duty, vinyl, 2 pocket folders with prongs (1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, and 1 orange)
  • (2) ½ or 1 inch (please no larger) three ring binder (any color)
  • Package of Post-it notes
  • 2 boxes of tissues 
  • 1 pack of 4 Dry Erase markers 
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • 1 can of Clorox wipes
  • 1 pair of durable headphones

~Thank you~

Weekly Schedule

Monday: Art

Tuesday: Library

Wednesday: Computer Time

Thursday:  Gym Class

Friday: Music

Daily Schedule

10:35-10:50  First Recess

11:45-12:05  Lunch

12:05-12:25 Recess

12:30-Encore Time

2:45 Dismissal

Mrs. Jarvis' Newsletter