District Operating Policies

Series 1000 - The Board of Directors

1112 Director Orientation

1210 Annual Organizational Meeting

1400 Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum

1400P Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum - Procedure

1410 Executive or Closed Sessions

1420 Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

1610 Conflicts of Interest 1st Class Districts

1630 Employment and Evaluation of the Superintendent

1822 Professional Development

Series 2000 - Instruction

2004 Accountability Goals

2005 School Improvement Plans

2020 Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials

2020P Curriculum Development and Adoption of Materials - Procedure

2020F Curriculum Development and Adoption of Materials - Form

2022 Electronic Resources

2022P - Electronic Resources - Procedure

2022F1 Technology User Agreement Parent/Guardian Form

2022F2 Technology User Agreement Staff Form

2024 Online Learning

2024 P Online Learning - Procedure

2029 Animals as Part of the Instructional Program

2029P Animals as Part of the Instructional Program - Procedure

2030 Service Animals in Schools

2030P Service Animals in Schools - Procedure

2090 Program Evaluation

2090P Program Evaluation - Procedure

2106 Program Compliance

2108 Remediation Programs

2108P Remediation Programs - Procedure

2110 Transitional Bilingual or English Language Learner Instruction Program

2110P Transitional Bilingual or English Language Learner Instruction Program - Procedure

2125 Sexual Health Education

2125 P Sexual Health Education - Procedure

2145 Suicide Prevention

2145P Suicide Prevention - Procedure

2153 Non-Curriculum-Related Student Groups

2153P Noncurriculum-Related Groups Procedure

2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students

2161 P Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students - Procedure

2162 - Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

2162P Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 - Procedure

2163 - Academic Intervention

2190 Highly Capable Programs

2190P Highly Capable Programs - Procedure

2195 Academic Acceleration

2255 Alternative Learning Experience Programs

2255P - Alternative Learning Experience Programs - Procedure

2340 Religious-Related Activities and Practices

2409 Credit for Competency Proficiency

2409P Credit for Competency Proficiency - Procedure

2410 High School Graduation Requirements

2410P - High School Graduation Requirements - Procedure

2410F1 - HS Graduation Requirements/Credit for UPSD Athletics Form (Save form to your computer before completing)

2410F2 - HS Graduation Requirements/Credit for Community Athletics Form (Save form to your computer before completing)

2410F3 - HS Graduation Requirements/Athletic Participation Log

2411 - Certificate of Educational Competency

2413 Equivalency Credit Opportunities

2413P Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Procedure

2414 - Community Service

2418 - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits

2418P - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits - Procedure

2418F - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits - Form (this is a fillable form, download it to your computer before entering information)

2421 Promotion and Retention

2421P Promotion and Retention Procedure

Series 3000 - Students

3110 - Qualifications of Attendance and Placement

3114 - Part-Time, Home-Based, or Off-Campus Students

3115 - Students Experiencing Homelessness Enrollment Rights and Services

3115P - Students Experiencing Homelessness Enrollment Rights and Services - Procedure

3120 - Enrollment

3120P - Enrollment - Procedure

3121 - Compulsory Attendance

3122 - Excused and Unexcused Absences

3122P - Excused and Unexcused Absences - Procedure

3124 - Removal / Release of Student During School Hours

3124P - Removal / Release of Student During School Hours - Procedure

3131 - District Attendance Area Transfers

3140 - Release of Resident Students

3141 - Nonresident Students

3141A - Student Residence / Students Enrolling as Living with Other

3142 - International Student Exchange

3142P - International Student Exchange - Procedure

3144 Release of Information Student Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders

3144P Procedure Release of Information Student Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders

3205 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited

3205P Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited - Procedure

3207 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

3207P Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying - Procedure

3210 Nondiscrimination

3210P Nondiscrimination - Procedure

3211 Gender-Inclusive Schools

3211P Gender-Inclusive Schools - Procedure

3220 Freedom of Expression

3220P Freedom of Expression - Procedure

3224 Student Dress Codes

3224 P Student Dress Codes - Procedure

3225 - School Based Threat Assessment

3230 - Student Privacy and Searches 

3231 - Student Records

3231P - Student Records - Procedure

3241 Student Discipline

3241P Student Discipline - Procedure

3242 - Closed Campus

3245 Students and Telecommunication Devices

3246 Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force

3246P - Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force Procedure

3411 - Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy 

3413 - Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions

3413P - Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions - Procedure

3415 Accommodating Students with Diabetes

3416 Medication at School

3416 P Medication at School - Procedure

3417 Catheterization

3417 P Catheterization - Procedure

3419 Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications

3419 P Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medication - Procedure

3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response

3420P Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response - Procedure

3421 Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Prevention

3422 Students Sports - Concussion and Head Injuries

3422P Students Sports Concussion and Head Injuries - Procedure

3424 Opioid Related Overdose Reversal

3424P Opioid Related Overdose Reversal - Procedure

3432 Emergencies

3510 Associated Student Bodies

3510P Associated Student Bodies - Procedure

3515 Student Incentives

3520 Student Fees, Fines, Charges

3520P Student Fees, Fines, Charges - Procedure

3530 Fund-Raising Activities Involving Students

3530P Fund-Raising Activities Involving Students - Procedure

Series 4000 - Community Relations

4040 Public Access to District Records

4040P Public Access to District Records Procedure

4040F Public Records Request Form

4060 Distribution of Materials

4060P Distribution of Materials - Procedure

4130 Title I Parent Involvement

4130P Title I Parent Involvement - Procedure

4200 Parent Access and Safe and Orderly Learning Environment

4200P Parent Access and Safe and Orderly Learning Environment - Procedure

4210 Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises

4215 Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices

4217 Effective Communication

4217P Effective Communication Procedure

4217F Effective Communication - Form

4218 Language Access

4218 Language Access Procedure

4237 Student Participation in Contests, Advertising Campaigns and Promotional Activities

4260 Use of School Facilities

4260P Use of School Facilities - Procedure

4311 School Safety and Security Services Program

4314 Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm

4314P Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm - Procedure

4315 Release of Information Concerning Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders

4400 - Election Activities

Series 5000 - Personnel

5001 Hiring of Retired School Employees

5005 Employment and Volunteers: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval

5005P Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval - Procedure

5006 - Certification Revocation

5010 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action

5010P Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action - Procedure

5011 Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited

5011P Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited - Procedure

5050 - Contracts

5201 Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace

5222 - Job-Sharing Staff Members

5240 - Evaluation of Staff

5251 - Conflicts of Interest

5253 - Maintaining Professional Staff / Student Boundaries

5253 P Maintaining Professional Staff / Student Boundaries - Procedure

5400 - Personnel Leaves

5401 - Sick Leave

5403 - Family Emergency Leaves and Discretionary Leaves

5404 - Family, Medical and Maternity Leave

5406 - Leave Sharing

5406P - Leave Sharing - Procedure

5407 - Military Leave

5407P - Military Leave - Procedure

5408 - Jury Duty and Subpoena Leave

5409 - Unpaid Holidays for Reasons of Faith or Conscience

5410 - Holidays

5515 Workforce Secondary Traumatic Stress

5515P - Workforce Secondary Traumatic Stress - Procedure

5630 - Volunteers

Series 6000 - Management Support

6022 Economic Stabilization Account

6100 Revenues from State, Local and Federal Sources

6101 Federal Cash and Financial Management

6106 Allowable Costs for Federal Programs

6112 Rental or Lease of District Real Property

6114 Gifts or Donations

6114P Gifts or Donations - Procedure

6210 Purchasing: Authorization and Control

6210P Purchasing: Authorization and Control - Procedure

6212 - Charge and Procurement Card Use

6215 Voucher Certification and Approval

6216 Reimbursement for Goods and Services Warrants

6220 Bid or Proposal Requirements

6225 Use of Electronic Signature

6230 - Relations with Vendors

6511 Staff Safety

6530 - Insurance

6700 Nutrition, Health, and Physical Fitness

6710 - Food and Beverage Sales

6710 P - Food and Beverage Sales Procedure

6801 Capital Assets / Theft-Sensitive Assets

6895 Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping

6895P Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping Requirements - Procedure