Office Reminders

Evergreen Office Reminders

School Hours: 8:15a - 2:35p

Student Drop-Off Time:  Drop off time is at 8:05a, unless your student needs to eat breakfast.  Our doors will be open at 7:45a for those that need to eat breakfast.
School starts promptly at 8:15a. Doors to the classrooms open at 8:05a and the first bell rings at 8:10a. If students are not in their seats ready to go by 8:15a, they will be marked tardy. 

Pick-up Time:  Dismissal is staggered for the 21/22 school year.  Our dismissal times are staggered for parent pick up. 

  • Kinder and 1st dismiss at 2:29p
  • 2nd at 2:30p
  • 3rd at 2:33p
  • 4th at 2:35p
    *Evergreen is not a walking school due to the busy streets that border us. Therefore, all students are routed to take the bus.   

    **Please communicate with the office and your teacher, your student's daily Permanent Dismissal plan- either bus or parent pick up. 

End-of Day Transportation Changes : You are encouraged to help us with a stress free end-of-the-day for your child by relaying a change to their daily dismissal routine with a phone call to the school office. Please note that we cannot make changes after 1:30 pm. Do not email the office or teacher because emails may not be seen in a timely manner.  On early dismissal days, please communicate dismissal changes by 11am.

Student Absences/Tardies: Please contact the school office at
253-566-5680 to report your child/children absent or tardy for each incident.

Thank you!

Evergreen Primary Office Team