Fall Season Begins August 30, 2022
Online Registration Opens August 9, 2022

Coach:  Mike Harris        email: [email protected]

Click here for the Baseball Game Schedule

Dear Players and Parents,

         It’s going to be a great season of Cougar baseball!  With tryouts starting at the conclusion of summer break, I hope to see many players turn out and would like to thank you for your interest and support for the Curtis Junior High School baseball program.  

Tryouts will begin on Tuesday, August 30th at Curtis High School’s baseball complex.  Players will turn out from 2:15 to 4:00 each day.  The first day of tryouts requires that some clerical and organizational tasks be completed before physical activities can actually begin.  Attendance will be taken and player eligibility will be checked.  Athletic paperwork (including a current physical) is mandatory in order for players to participate.  Athletic paperwork can be found online on the CJH website ( under the athletics tab and should be completed and submitted prior to the first practice.  On the days of practices, students are dismissed at 2:00.  They are then expected to change into appropriate baseball attire [NO CLEATS ARE TO BE WORN IN THE SCHOOL] and to meet me at the field by 2:15.  Players can store their baseball equipment in the boys’ locker room storage closet during school hours; however, it needs to be placed there before first period. At the start of practice, I will supervise stretching, jogging, and throwing activitiesActivities are not to begin until a coach is present.   During the tryout process, players will be evaluated in the skill areas of fielding (ground balls, fly balls), hitting, throwing, and speed. In addition, academic status (students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and be passing 5 of 6 classes), attitude and attendance will be considered when selecting team members.  Cuts will be made on Thursday, September 1st at the end of practice.  I encourage players who do not make the team to stay active by turning out for the CJH track team and by playing in community or recreational leagues to improve their skills.

As a coach, I seek to assist in the development of individual skills, while promoting the value of teamwork.  I want this experience to be positive and fun.  Decisions I make as a coach will be made in the best interest of the team.

Important things to note:   

Attendance: We practice every day, Monday through Friday.  Players need to be on time, ready to practice, and properly equipped and attired (glove, cleats (if possible), hat and sweat or baseball pants.  After team selection, players are expected to attend every practice and every game. In the event of illness or unavoidable conflict, players need to send a message that they will be absent through a phone call, email, or a team member.  League rules require 8 practices before individuals are eligible to play in their first game.

Attitude: Hustling, working hard, helping with equipment, listening to instructions and carrying them out to the best of one’s ability and staying positive with oneself and their teammates are examples of displaying a good attitude - Please bring yours.  Thanks again for your positive support of the Curtis Junior High Baseball program and I’m looking forward to another great season of Cougar baseball!

Mike Harris

CJH Baseball Coach

[email protected]

(253) 566-5670 ext. 1125