Speech & Debate

Speech and Debate Advisor:
Jake Fisher
[email protected]

Gavin Torem


[email protected]

Vice President:
Connor Wielt


[email protected]

To receive information on upcoming meetings, events or tasks, click here: Remind for Speech & Debate

Register for the remind by either texting ga4bf2 to 81010 or using the same code with the remind app.

Current Topic: U.S. Military intervention in other nations

Room Number: 211

1st Semester Activities: Our members compete in both debate and speech events at local tournaments against students from other high schools. Debate events include Public Forum, Student Congress, Policy, and Lincoln Douglas. Speech Events include Oratory Impromptu, and SPAR in addition to Interpretive events such as Reading, Duo, and Humorous.

2nd Semester Activities: Students freely choose topics that they would like to discuss in depth in a semi-formal cross between a socratic seminar and debate. They bring in research and data to support their claims, and after debate and discussion ends the club writes a resolution and passes it (see House Resolutions page for examples).



We, the students, for the promotion of good government, good sportsmanship, student activities, and the general welfare of the students of Curtis High School, establish this Constitution of the Speech and Debate Club.

Article 1. Name of Organization

Section A. It is resolved that the name of this organization shall be the Speech and Debate Club of Curtis Senior High School.

Article 2. purpose

The purposes of this organization shall be to:

Section A.

1. To promote civil and informed discourse.

2. To investigate and learn about social, legal, and other issues which impact the community, country, and world.

Section B.

1. To practice and teach communication skills.

2. To practice and teach research skills.

3. To foster camaraderie and team work.

Article 3. Membership

Section A. Membership in Speech and Debate Club is established and maintained by Jon Guttormsen.

Section B. Membership in Speech and Debate Club is based on attending meetings and tournaments.

Article 4. Duties

Section A. Duties of Speech and Debate Club

Maintain the integrity and purpose of competitive debate, as established by the Washington State Forensics League, and the National Speech and Debate Association by abiding by rules and expectations of interscholastic competition.

Article 5. Eligibility

Section A. Eligibility of Speech and Debate Club. All club members must have and maintain a cumulative 2.5 grade point average.

Section B. Requirements for all Speech and Debate Club Members during their period of service shall be required to:

1. Attend weekly meetings.

2. Attend one interscholastic competition.

Article 6. Amendments

Section A. This constitution shall be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership provided the members are eligible and active.

Adopted on March 29, 2017.

By: Gavin Torem and Connor Wielt

Approved by: J Guttormsen

Meeting Minutes
2018 April 30


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

10 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Have members share research on foreign military intervention

2. Assign research prompts to absent members from last week.

Tasks for next week:

1. If you didn't present today, bring in research for next week. Here are the new member assignments:

  • Nuclear weapon production consequences: Tim
  • Sharing Resources/Humanitarian Aid: Arden
  • Korean War: Hoon

2018 April 23


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

9 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Register more members for remind

2. Introduce new topic, U.S. military intervention into foreign affairs

Tasks for next week:

1. Each present member conducts research and brings in an article/information about their assigned topic below:

  • Military Strikes/Bombings: Gavin
  • Troops Sent Overseas for Combat: Ruwida
  • Foreign Military Bases: Mateo
  • Training Foreign Militias/Rebels/Militaries: Vera
  • Trading Technology/Equipment/Vehicles: Sidney
  • Blockades/Naval Maneuvers: David
  • Displays of Strength/Threats: Tanner
  • Nuclear Weapons and the policy of Deterrence: John
  • Sharing resources: Madelynn

Please remember that once you have researched the topic, send your information to me at 253-307-4250 or preferably [email protected] This way I'll be prepared for the next meeting. Thanks!

2018 April 16


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

4 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Vote on Gun Law Resolution

2. Register members for remind app

3. Select New Topic for Debate

Tasks for next week:

1. Research the bombing of Syria and understand what occured

2. Prepare to argue whether or not this action was justified, and what the U.S.'s role is in foreign conflicts/affairs

2018 March 26


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

11 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Conclude Gun Law Debate

2. Brainstorm New Topic

Tasks for next week:

Prepare to support your favorite two options of the following for our next debate:

  1. Gender Inequality
  2. Racial Inequality
  3. United States Foreign Relations
  4. Minimum Wage
  5. Interet Regulation/Net Neutrality

2018 March 19


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

5 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Continue Gun Law Debate

Tasks for next week:

Prepare to discuss the following:

  • Conceal Carry Laws
  • Background Checks

2018 March 12


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

8 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Pass Immigration Bill

2. Begin Gun Law Debate

Tasks for next week:

Research the following topics:

  1. How does gun ownership affect insurance rates?
  2. What is the difference between state policies on weapon ownership and control?
  3. From all deaths by guns, what proportion is due to violence versus accidents, suicides, or other causes?

Prepare to discuss the following:

  • Obtaining guns: Age, training, background checks
  • Violence Prevention: Active shooter drills, study causes of shootings
  • Types of guns allowed for civilians: Bump stocks, automatics
  • Concealed carry permits: Requirements to obtain, renewal

Define the term "Mass shooting"

2018 March 5


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

3 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Conclude Immigration Debate

2017 September 19


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

13 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Sample Public Forum cases

2. Speech brainstorming

2017 September 12


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

19 general members

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Welcome letter, schedule of tournaments, description of events

2. sample speeches

To Do: determine which events, which tournaments are of interest. Prepare to work on speeches for next week.

2017 September 5 Officer's Meeting


Gavin Torem, President

Connor Wielt, Vice President

Jon Guttormsen, Advisor


1. Set schedule for meetings -- Tuesdays through the speech and debate season

2. Eligibility to compete -- attend five practices, present speech/case 2x, join ASB

3. Maintenance of web-page

To do:

1. Determine schedule of competition (Guttormsen)

2. Create handout describing events with links to samples (Connor, Gavin)