Student Personal Safety, Privacy, & Transportation

Walking Students

Students who walk to and from school should respect neighbors. Students must use sidewalks when available, stay off private property (including shortcuts), and use designated crosswalks.

Private Transportation

If you provide your children's transportation, please keep in mind the intense traffic situation which develops each day both before and after school. Please do not pick up children in the bus zone.

Bus Riders

Riding a school bus in University Place is a privilege and not a right. Misconduct will mean suspension from the bus and the family will then be responsible for transportation to and from school. Unexcused absences and tardies will be assigned if students who have been removed from the bus are absent or tardy from school for transportation reasons. All students must:
- line up and wait patiently for their bus to arrive.
- not cut in line or push and shove from behind while buses are loading.
- remain seated at all times until the bus has arrived at the stop or at school. Please note that students must sit in assigned seats if asked to by the driver.
- not put or throw anything out the bus windows.
- follow all directions given by the bus driver immediately and without question.
- not eat on the bus for any reason.
- use a quiet voice. Screaming, sudden noises, and throwing things on the bus will mean immediate bus suspension.

If items are left on the bus, please call the bus garage at (253) 566-5724

Student Safety

Students must always be supervised while on campus. This means that students are not allowed in classrooms or parts of the school without staff supervision.
- Students must report any suspicious activity and/or any reports of planned violence or weapons on campus to school authorities immediately.
- Students must never arrive at school early or hang around late after school, especially if alone. Never get into a car with strangers for a ride home or rumored emergency.

Guidance and Counseling

University Place School District counselors subscribe to the American School Counselors Association (ASCA) Standards for Student Academic, Career and Personal/Social Development. The counseling program is proactive rather than remedial whenever possible. It complements core curricular offerings and the counselor maintains a collaborative relationship with other staff members. The counselor teaches guidance lessons in classrooms and consults with students, staff and families as needed under ASCA guidelines. Confidentiality is offered within guidelines recommended by ASCA.

Students, staff and families are welcome to consult with the counselor.