Emergency Plans

School Closures Due to Weather

When the weather is inclement, listen to the local radio/television stations, or check our district website www.upsd83.org for school closure or emergency schedule announcements. If no announcement is made, school is on time. If school is closed, there will be no school for that day and all scheduled afternoon and evening activities will be canceled. If on a two hour delay, students must report to school by 10:15 a.m. See your District calendar for complete instructions.
In case of school closures or late starts, our School Messenger system will place phone calls to all families. Please make sure your phone numbers are current and up-to-date with our office.

Emergency Plans

The following three drills are rehearsed regularly at school.

Earthquake Drill

This drill, used in the event of an earthquake or pending explosion, is to keep the child at minimum risk from falling objects and flying glass. Students will remain in this protective mode until an evacuation is possible and/or the threat subsides.

Lockdown Drill

This drill will be used when the school administration feels it is necessary to close and secure the school to protect students and staff from intruders or other danger. Staff will gather students in classrooms, lock doors, and keep students silent and away from doors and windows. During a lock-down drill, no admittance to the school or access by telephone will be available.

Fire Drill

This drill is used as a means to escape the building in the case of fire or as an orderly evacuation from the building in the case of other emergencies. Students will exit the building along designed routes and gather on either the back or side play field. In a serious emergency, students may be moved from the field to another nearby location. The critical thing for parents to remember is that students must be released to parents in an organized fashion so we can maintain accountability. Teachers have been instructed not to release students to parents from the classroom unless authorized by the office. In an emergency, always work through the office if you need to collect your child.