Use of Funds Plan

Telluride R-1 School District

Federal Stimulus Funding for Telluride R-1

How much funding was allocated to Telluride R-1?

ESSER I Additional Information

Expenditures allowed through Sept. 30, 2022

CRF: $638,482

ESSER I funds provided vital resources to districts to address the social and economic disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak that impacted all school districts starting in March 2020.


The decision on how to spend federal pandemic recovery resources is inherently and intentionally local as school communities are best equipped to identify and address their most urgent local needs. The top uses of ESSER I funds for our district are provided in the explanation below.

ESSER I (CARES Act): $54,037

Addressing the immediate crisis

Expenditures allowed through Sept. 30, 2022

ESSER II (CRRSA Act): $267,543

Providing stability and managing the health crisis

Expenditures allowed through Sept. 30, 2023

ESSER III (ARP Act): $601,288

Recovery and acceleration Expenditures allowed through Sept. 30, 2024 Use of Funds Plan

GEER (Other): N/A

Includes ESSER supplemental funds provided to districts. An acronyms glossary is available below.

How are students being supported through the use of federal stimulus dollars?

The federal stimulus dollars are a once-in-a-generation opportunity to support our students and to address the multi-year effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The decision on how to spend federal pandemic recovery resources is inherently and intentionally local as school communities are best equipped to

identify and address their most urgent local needs in order to:

  • Create safe and healthy learning environments
  • Address lost instructional time
  • Meet mental health needs of students and staff
  • Support educators and staff stability and well-being

In addition to mitigating the effects of the pandemic, the shortfall in state funding to Colorado schools during the 2020-21 school year doubled and the one-time federal stimulus funds helped to temporarily mitigate the significant loss in funding to school districts. As Colorado spends less on education per student than most other states, a teacher shortage existed before the pandemic making it difficult for school districts to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. While all the one-time federal stimulus dollars will expire by September 30, 2024, they have supported local students and communities weather the effects of the pandemic.

ESSER I — Addressing the immediate crisis

Expenditures allowed through Sept. 30, 2022

In March 2020, the CARES Act established the Education Stabilization Fund, which initially provided funding for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) I Fund. ESSER I Fund dollars were appropriated to states based on the 2019-20 Title I shares with 90% allocated to local education agencies (LEAs) that received a Title I allocation in the most recent fiscal year and the remaining 10% for a state reserve fund. ESSER I funding for Telluride R-1 was based on its Title I allocation and an ESSER I supplemental made by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). View CDE’s Federal COVID Education Funding website for additional details.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, CDE administered the district and charter needs inventory from late March to early April. Statewide, the top four education supports identified as the top priorities across all regions of the state were: student emotional support; technical support for delivering remote learning; online instructional support for teachers; and family engagement practices. While there was variability in the top community need identified across regions, internet connectivity and food access were the two community needs that commonly appeared as a top need in most regions across the state.1 The following chart summarizes the percentages of districts selecting the following education supports as top needs during March and April 2020.

1 Colorado School District Needs Inventory, April 17, 2020


Source: Colorado School District Needs Inventory, April 17, 2020     

It is also important to recognize that the decision on how to spend federal pandemic recovery resources is inherently and intentionally local as school communities are best equipped to identify and address their most urgent local needs. The following information demonstrates the top ESSER I investment priorities for Telluride R-1 based on March 2022 CDE data and is subject to change as local priorities evolve to meet student needs.

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 1: Providing all students with access to a safe and inclusive learning environment

School leaders, educators, and staff elevated the priority of physically safe communities to support their students during the pandemic. Several mitigation factors, including cleaning and disinfecting buildings, ventilation of classrooms, handwashing and disinfecting stations, and other strategies were employed. It was also important to ensure that preexisting ventilation, roofing, and plumbing needs did not inhibit healthy learning environments in order to support student learning.

Our district prioritized the following as one of our top investments made with ESSER I funding: Cleaning ($48,500). Additional facility cleaning above and beyond normal cleaning services: specifically; HVAC duct cleaning, above and beyond what has been done pre-COVID, for the purpose

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 2: Providing all students with access to a safe and inclusive learning environment

Our district prioritized the following as one of our top investments made with ESSER I funding: SupportProgram ($5,537). Sanitizer for refill in new dispensers, plus other sanitizer supplies, above and beyond what has been used pre-COVID, for the purpose of continuing educational services during school closure and/or for implementing a plan for return for normal operation, from Jan 2021 through May 2021.

Future fact sheets will be available to provide additional details on ESSER II and III funding. You can also find additional information and resources on the Colorado School Finance Project ESSER website.

Telluride R-1 Student and District Characteristics

Students: 876

Rural: Yes, Small rural

Free and Reduced Lunch: 19% Special Education: 10%

Gifted and Talented: 6% BOCES: Uncompahgre Other Funding Facts

2019-2020 Total Program Funding: $10,393,878 ($11,306 Per Pupil Funding) 2020-2021 Total Program Funding: $9,789,253 ($10,783 Per Pupil Funding) 2021-2022 Total Program Funding: $10,911,448 ($12,053 Per Pupil Funding) Local Share: 61%

State Share: 39%

Loss in state share for the 2020-21 school year: -$1,433,059
Loss in state share for the 2021-22 school year: -$687,784
Cumulative loss in state share since 2009-10: -$12,969,482

Learn more at the Telluride R-1 website:


Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)

The CARES Act established the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to support states with expenses due to the public health emergency with respect to the COVID–19 incurred from March 1, 2020, to Dec. 30, 2020. In May 2020, Gov. Polis directed the transfer of $510 million from the State of Colorado’s CARES Act CRF to CDE to be awarded to school districts, the Charter School Institute, the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind and facility schools on a per pupil basis. Additionally, each BOCES in the state received $25,000.

Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER)

The CARES Act included $3 billion for a Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. Colorado was allocated more than $44 million from the GEER fund. The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2020 added $4.05 billion for the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. GEER II included $2.75 billion for emergency assistance to nonpublic schools through the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) grants of which $28,433,931 has been allocated to Colorado.

Telluride School District
Use of Funds Plan

American Rescue Plan
Elementary and Secondary Education Relief (ESSER III)

Emergency Pandemic Relief Aid

Telluride School District (TSD) has been awarded $601,288 under the ESSER III legislation and these funds must be spent by September 30, 2024. ESSER III has a heavy emphasis on addressing the learning impacts of COVID-19 and requires TSD use at least $120,258 of the funding for this purpose including interventions, summer programming, and after-school opportunities.

COVID-19 has impacted learning at TSD in a variety of ways, resulting in decreased student achievement. A number of factors contributed to learning loss such as the impact of remote and hybrid learning, disruptions caused by quarantines, inability for students to work collaboratively due to physical distancing requirements, inability to have focused "What I Need" (WIN) groups due to cohort restrictions, and the difficulty with communication and relationships due to masks, distancing, quarantines, and remote and hybrid learning.

TSD will use the ESSER III funds to fund a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) Fall Semester 2021 to address the social, emotional and behavioral needs of students throughout the district. The goals of this position are to provide Tiers I (universal), 2 (targeted) and 3 (intensive) support district wide. This is to be achieved through supporting: social competence and academic achievement, decision making; student behavior and staff behavior. Additionally, TSD will use the ESSER III funds to pay for 1.8 teachers to work as math and literacy Interventionists and as a coach/mentor to other teachers in the Elementary Schools. This will increase to 2.0 FTE in the 2022-23 school year. The Elementary and Secondary Schools will also provide additional literacy and math intervention support to students outside of this ESSER III funding.

In addition to the ESSER III funds earmarked above for providing support to students for learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, TSD has also allocated a portion of the ESSER III funds for the (i) hiring of a health care technician to support the school nurse in contact tracing and related protocols to keep the maximum number of students in school to the greatest extent possible; (ii) engaging an air quality consultant and purchasing replacement air filters to ensure good indoor air quality; (iii) purchase protective face masks and hand sanitizer for student and staff use; and (iv) provide additional custodial cleaning as needed.

Based upon the review of a variety of performance indicators and diagnostic metrics, TSD has determined that achievement of minority, FRL (Free & Reduced Lunch), English learners, and IEP students continues to lag behind the general population. In ELA, minority and FRL students had mean scale scores about 30 points below non-minority and non-FRL students, respectively, while English learners and IEP students had mean scale scores about 40 points below non-English learners and non-IEP students. In Math, minority and FRL students had mean scale scores about 20 points below non-minority and non-FRL students, respectively, while English learners and IEP students had mean scale scores about 30 points below non-English learners and non-IEP students.

Literacy and Math intervention meetings were held at the Elementary level for grades K to 2 and grades 3 to 6 which included the respective principals, interventionists and coaches to determine the strategy, curriculum and tools selected.  External coaches were also contacted for data on best practices.  Student achievement data and testing results were reviewed and relevant intervention programs were researched and selected based upon best practice methodologies and evidence-based outcomes. In addition, two of the Elementary interventionists are National Board-Certified Teachers. 

TSD literacy interventionists use Orton-Gillingham techniques learned from the Institute of Multi-Sensory Education.  Depending upon the students, grade level or instructional need, TSD has also implemented the following literacy interventions at the Elementary level: (i) Read Naturally Encore II; (ii) i-Ready; (iii) Voyager Sopris’ Language! Live Rewards; (Iv) Heggerty’s Bridge the Gap Phonemic Awareness, (v) Raz Plus and Raz Kids and (vi) Just Words by Wilson Language.

TSD Elementary Math Interventionists use the Bridges intervention curriculum which is a supplement to the general education Bridges curriculum used in the classroom. The i-Ready tool box is also used for targeted math intervention.

With the establishment of the Behavioral Health department, the Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst has worked with the superintendent, principals, counselors and teachers throughout the District to bring relevant evidence-based age appropriate solutions to each of the schools.  This individual is mentored by peers at the Boulder Valley School District who have years of experience with the implementation and subsequent management of these programs.  

Social, emotional and behavioral interventions have been implemented throughout the District, on an age appropriate basis and include: (i) Second Step; (ii) Functional Behavior Assessment-based Interventions; (iii) Social Skills Training; (iv) Lovaas Model of Applied Behavior Analysis; (v) Pivotal Response Training (FCHD) (vi) School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (FCHD); and (vii) The Restorative Approach (FCHD).

TSD will use its performance indicators and diagnostic metrics to review the effectiveness of its interventions and behavioral supports.   The following goals have been established.

2021-22 Annual Performance targets:

1.  Student performance on CMAS/PSAT/SAT ELA will recover to 2019 pre-COVID level,

2.  Student performance on CMAS/PSAT/SAT Math will recover to 2019 pre-COVID level, and

3.  Achievement Gap for minority, FRL, English Learner and IEP subgroups will recover to 2019 pre-COVID level

2022-23 Annual Performance targets:

1.  Student performance on CMAS/PSAT/SAT ELA will increase to additional 5% meeting or exceeding compared to 2019 pre-COVID level,

2.  Student performance on CMAS/PSAT/SAT Math will increase to additional 5% meeting or exceeding compared to 2019 pre-COVID level,

3.  Achievement Gap in ELA for minority, and FRL subgroups will decrease to 20 points in MSS. Achievement Gap in ELA for English Learner and IEP subgroups decrease to 30 points in MSS,

4. Behavior Incidents will decrease by 20% at grades K-6 from 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 and

5. Students will show a 15% increase in feeling safe and supported as measured by the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey.

Updated: March 15, 2022

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