J: Students (J)

Code  Title 
JB   Equal Education Opportunities
JBB     Sexual Harrasment
JEB  Entrance Age Requirements
JF  Admission and Denial of Admission
JFABB Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students
JFABB-R Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students-Regulation
JFABD  Homeless Students
Students in Foster Care
JFABE-R Students in Foster Care-Regulation
JFBB  Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment
Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollent-Regulation
JFC  Students Withdrawal from School/Dropouts
Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts-Regulation
JH  Student Absences and Excuses
JHB  Truancy
JIC Student Conduct
JICA Student Dress Code
JICDA  Code of Conduct
JICDD  Violent and Aggressive Behavior
JICDE  Bullying Prevention and Education
JICEA  School-Related Student Publications (School Publications Code)
JICEA-R  School -Related Student Publications
JICEC  Student Distribution of Noncurricular Materials
JICEC-R  Student Distribution of Noncurrucular Materials-Regulation 
JICF  Secret Societies/Gang Activity 
JICH  Drug and Alcohol Involvement by Students
Drug and Alcohol Involvement by Students-Regulation
JICI  Weapons in School
JIH  Student Interviews, Interrogations, Searches and Arrests
JII-R Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances-Regulation
 Student Organizations
JJJ   Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
JK  Student Discipline
JK-2   Discipline of Students with Disabilities
JK-R  Student Discipline-Regulation
JKA  Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint
JKA- E-1
Complaint Procedures and Regulations reUse  of  Restraints or Seclusion-2018
JKA-R  Use of Physcial Intervention and Restraint
JKBA  Disciplinary Removal from Classroom
Disciplinary Removal from Classroom-Regulation
JKD-JKE  Suspension/Expulsion of Students (and other Disciplinary Interventions)
JKD-JKE-E  Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion-Exhibit
JKD-JKE-R  Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion-Regulation
JKG   Explusion Prevention
JLCD  Administering Medications to Students 
JLCDA  Students with Food Allergies 
Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students
JLCDC Medically Necessary Treatment in School Setting (first reading approval)
JLCDC-R Authorized Private Health-Care Specialist (first reading approval)
JLDAC  Screening/Testing of Students (And Treatment of Mental Disorders)
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Exhibit
JLF  Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection
JLF-R  Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection - Regulation
JLJ  Physical Activity
Latin Honors Program
JQ  Student Fees, Fines and Charges
JRA-JRC  Student Records/Release of Information on Students
JRA-JRC-R Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Review, amendment and hearing procedures) Regulation
JRA-JRC-E-1 Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Notification to Parents and Students of Rights  Concerning Student Education Records) Exhibit
JRCA Sharing of Student Records/Information between School District and State Agencies
Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information
JRCB-R Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information (Hearing and Complaint Procedures) - Regulation
 JS Student Use of the Internet, Electronic Communications, and Technology Devices
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