Bullpup Nips
June 14, 2022
School Office: 427-5672 SES Hours: 7:45AM-2:25PM;
Early Release Wednesdays 7:45AM-12:25PM
Theme: Kindness
June Character Trait: Honesty
“Students who come to school every day, behave, and participate – graduate!”
Paraphrased from Balfonz (2007) by the Academic Team
Last day of school is Thursday, June 16. 3-hour early release…11:25AM
Report Cards & Sack Lunches will be going home with students.
Principal Schreiber’s Last Message: This time of year has come all too quickly! Our students have grown in so many ways!! Staff have cared for and nurtured students throughout the school year so students could thrive in a warm and caring learning environment that builds and supports student learning and celebrates student growth. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for welcoming and partnering with me during these last seven years. It has been my honor to serve this school community as your principal. We have weathered ice storms, forest fires, and a pandemic. We’ve also built a community of learners who enjoy and delight in individual and collaborative growth and challenging accomplishments. My hope is you have seen our staff and students do their very best in establishing the foundational years at Stevenson Elementary School. Thank you for your insights, your voice and sharing your child/ren and family. I wish each and everyone of you joy and happiness as you continue on a rewarding educational journey in the Stevenson-Carson School District.
Quick Notes:
Backpack Reading Program: Please remember to send materials [book and bag] back to school as we organize our materials for next school year.
Chromebooks: All chargers need to be returned to the classroom teacher. Thank you!
Kindergarten Graduation Drive Up begins at 9:45 so it is important that your child arrives to school on time at 7:45. Bring your camera for a photo opportunity with your kindergarten teacher. Watch the signs to drive up in the lane to meet your teacher & child.
Report Cards: Celebrate student growth with your child/ren when you read and discuss student efforts noted on student report cards Thursday. We are very proud of our students!
Volunteers: Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers for making Stevenson Elementary School a part of your day. We appreciate your efforts in developing strong readers, mathematicians and writers by engaging with our students. Field Day, field trips and our wonderful SES garden could only be possible with your support.
Summer Fun: Please encourage your child to find the fun in reading, writing and solving mathematical problems whenever possible. Consider a visit to the library, writing in a journal and solving quick basic math facts. Most of all, enjoy your summer, filled with fun, laughter and an appreciation for one another.
Spread the Word…Kindergarten Registration: Kindergarten registration is available on our school district website. This online registration is posted under the “For Parents” tab. Questions? Please call SES secretary, Kali Stump, at 509-427-5672. Child needs to be five years old by August 31.
The Stevenson-Carson School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: [Title IX Officer, William Schwan, 350 Bulldog Drive, Stevenson, WA 98648, (509) 427-5674, [email protected]; Section 504/ADA Coordinator and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Ingrid Colvard, 350 Bulldog Drive, Stevenson, WA 98648, (509) 427-5674, [email protected]].