The Stimson PRIDE award is a monthly celebration where we honor students who best represent the pillars of Stimson Middle School through their character and behavior. PRIDE stands for Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Excellence.
Each month, teachers nominate students who best exemplify these characteristics. From those nominations, three 7th graders and three 8th graders are chosen to be honored.
Congratulations to Stimson's December PRIDE Award recipients! Parents were invited recently to celebrate and acknowledge Stimson's 7th-grade award winners, Sophia Giardina, Matthew Russotto, and Chase Smullian, and 8th-Grade award winners, Anderson Argueta Mencos, Michael Eastwood, and Hailey Voorhest. Congratulations to all!
Stimson's seventh-grade PRIDE Award recipients (left to right) Sophia Giardina, Chase Smullian, and Matthew Russotto.
Stimson's eighth-grade PRIDE Award recipients (left to right) Hailey Voorhest, Anderson Argueta Mencos, and Michael Eastwood.