Eighth-grader Gabby Andersen describes herself as an energetic person who likes to get things started. So it’s no surprise that when she heard about the Unity Fun Day celebration at Stimson Middle School, she saw it as an opportunity to get something done - raise money for a cause that’s very close to her heart. She wants to help children with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, both chronic diseases that she was diagnosed with two years ago.
“In the beginning, it was rough,” said Gabby. “At first, I didn’t even want my family to know about it. I didn’t even know what it was when I first got it, so I want to raise awareness.”
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are part of a group of conditions called inflammatory bowel disease. They can cause inflammation and redness along all parts of your digestive system leading to symptoms that can include stomach pain, weight loss, joint pain, fever and fatigue. And flare ups can happen at any time. There is no cure.
Gabby knew she’d have a big gathering of people at Stimson enjoying the fun, food and games of Unity Fun Day, so she decided to set up a booth there. For several months, she visited stores in Huntington Village, Greenlawn and Plainview, and asked for donations to put in raffle baskets. Gabby’s obvious dedication and enthusiasm convinced merchants to be supportive. “A lot of people said I don’t usually donate, but because of how well you approached me, how well my speech was put together, I’m going to donate to you. I was very happy about that,” said Gabby.
Gabby raffled off about 30 baskets at her booth, and raised $1500 for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. “So many people helped me. I was hospitalized for two months. For somebody who was in such bad condition, the people in the hospital were so good to me. I want kids to have the same opportunities that I got. I want to give back.”
And she’s not done giving back. October 23rd offers another opportunity for Gabby to raise money. Her #Gabbystrong team will be walking in the Gold Coast Take Steps for Crohn’s & Colitis Walk at Hempstead Beach in Port Washington on Sunday, October 23rd. You can donate and join Gabby’s Team by going to her Team Page.
Gabby not only feels good about what she’s doing, but she feels good about her health. She says she considers herself on the way to remission when her symptoms will no longer bother her. She plays on two soccer teams, and loves hanging with her dog, Bella. And she likes to talk to people, so as Gabby weighs the possibility of becoming a doctor one day and working with the people who helped her, for now she’s going to talk about Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis and raise as much money and awareness as she can. “When bad things happen, I say bad things happen for better things to come. I like to say that I was diagnosed to talk about it.”
To learn more about Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis go to the Foundation website.
Principal of Stimson Middle School, Mr. Duggan (left), joined Gabby (center) and friends at the Unity Day Fair to help bring awareness to the worthwhile cause.