The South Huntington Teacher of the Year Presentation was held on Wednesday, January 25th at Walt Whitman’s Performing Arts Center. Family, friends, and community members were thrilled to join in acknowledging this year’s outstanding teachers.
It gives us great pleasure year after year to recognize those teachers who are to be considered the best and the brightest, hardest working and most dedicated of our wonderful faculty. In reminiscing on the teachers who have made a lasting impression on his life, Board of Education President, Mr. Nicholas Ciappetta shared, “While studies say we forget 70 percent of all new information that we learn within 24 hours, somehow those small moments from years ago remain unforgettable to me. That is the impact of a teacher. That is your legacy. It lasts beyond the school year, beyond high school graduation; it lasts a lifetime. No other profession can say that. That is why tonight we celebrate you and remember you for many tomorrows to come.”
Opening the evening of celebration was the singing of the National Anthem by Stimson Middle School students Sophia Canales, Abigail Liclican, Emma Castellanos Hernandez and Fiza Chaudhry under the direction of Mr. Rovalino, and a beautiful piano performance by Walt Whitman High School Junior, Anthony Maraboli. Led by Executive Director of Personnel, Mr. Eddie Smith, this was a memorable and meaningful evening as the South Huntington Board of Education and the district’s administrators gave well-deserved recognition and praise to their top teachers. Joining the Board of Education and administration in honoring our Teachers of the Year were Legislator Tom Donnolly and Huntington Town Councilman Dr. Dave Bennardo. The ceremony concluded with Ex-Officio Student Board Member, Samantha Regalado, singing “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong.
Congratulations to each of our building’s 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year!
Silas Wood’s and South Huntington School District’s Teacher of the Year - Shaka Williams
Currently in his eleventh year serving as a Social Worker in South Huntington and his ninth year at Silas Wood, Mr. Williams is utterly devoted to the wellbeing of the Silas student population. Mr. Williams has a magnetic and comforting presence that quickly becomes familiar to all of our students each school year, as he assists our district’s sixth-graders in acclimating to a new school and in overcoming a myriad of social and personal issues. His commitment to the growth, development, and achievements of our students is made evident each and every day. Mr. Williams has stated that every day is a new opportunity, a reset, for both students and staff in which they can build off past successes or learn from previous experiences, to help guide each school day. His patience and enthusiasm in interacting with not only students and parents but with his colleagues as well, knows no bounds.
Walt Whitman High School’s Teacher of the Year - Crystalia Shepherd
Mrs. Shepherd has been a School Counselor at Walt Whitman High School for the past 18 years. In that time, she has helped more than 4,500 students graduate to become today’s educators, doctors, lawyers, first responders, business owners, and so much more.
Stimson Middle School’s Teacher of the Year - Jennifer Schmelter
Ms. Schmelter has spent her entire 34-year career at Stimson Middle School, teaching and sharing her love of music with her students in many different capacities over those years, including band director, conductor of wind ensemble, pit conductor, director of the marching band, and pit orchestra director. In addition to teaching, she also remains a performing musician. Students, parents and colleagues have described her as inspiring, dynamic, encouraging, and brilliant at her craft.
Maplewood’s Teacher of the Year - Joseph Slovak
Mr. Slovak has been an educator here in South Huntington for the past 25 years. His colleagues and students look upon him as an enthusiastic, diligent and creative teacher known throughout the halls of the intermediate school as a true role model for students and staff to emulate.
Birchwood’s Teacher of the Year - Deanna App
A South Huntington alumna, Ms. App came back to the district as a teacher in 2001, and has spent all her years with us as a third grade teacher at Birchwood. She is described as a true professional who has dedicated herself to making a difference in the lives of students, inspiring them to reach their true potential.
Oakwood’s Teacher of the Year - Ivia Negron-Francais
Ms. Negron has been an asset to our South Huntington students, staff, families, and community since she started at Oakwood in 1999 as an ENL teacher. Now teaching Kindergarten in the Dual Language setting, her colleagues say she always makes the commitment to give her best self for her students' success academically, as well as their continued emotional development.
Countrywood’s Teacher of the Year - Jessica Farmer
Ms. Farmer is an ENL teacher who started her career at Countrywood in 2017. Her colleagues say she constantly goes above and beyond for both students and staff at Countrywood. Ms. Farmer doesn’t just spend her time at school teaching in the classroom. She is an active member of many different groups that make Countrywood a fun and safe place to learn.

South Huntington School District's Teacher of the Year, Mr. Shaka Williams, was congratulated by (left to right) Councilman Dr. Dave Bennardo, BOE Trustee Sidney Joyner, Legislator Tom Donnelly, Superintendent Dr. D'Elia, BOE President Nicholas Ciappetta, Silas Wood Principal Mr. Stephen Toto, and Executive Director of Personnel, Mr. Eddie Smith.

Legislator Tom Donnelly and Councilman Dr. Bennardo join Dr. D'Elia, Mr. Ciappetta, Mr. Smith and Walt Whitman Principal Mr. Ken Costa in congratulating the high school's Teacher of the Year.

Stimson Middle School Principal, Mr. Mike Duggan, presented Jennifer Schmelter as his building's 2023 Teacher of the Year alongside Mr. Smith, Mr. Ciappetta, Dr. D'Elia, Councilman Dr. Bennardo, and Legislator Tom Donnelly.

Board Trustees, Frederick Scragg (back left) and Erin Meijer (back right) join in congratulating Maplewood Intermediate School's Teacher of the Year, Joseph Slovak.

Birchwood Principal, Mr. Anthony Ciccarelli, presented Ms. Deanna App as the intermediate school's Teacher of the Year as delegates joined in sharing their congratulations.

BOE Trustee, Mr. Sidney Joyner, stands next Oakwood's Teacher of the Year, Ms. Ivia Negron-Francais, alongside Councilman Dr. Bennardo, Legislator Tom Donnelly, Mr. Smith, Dr. D'Elia, Mr. Ciappetta, and Oakwood Principal, Dr. Annie Michaelian.

Legislator Tom Donnelly and Councilman Dr. Bennardo join Dr. D'Elia, Mr. Ciappetta, Mr. Smith and Countrywood Principal, Mr. Mitch Levy, in congratulating Ms. Jessica Farmer.

Musical performances by Stimson Middle School students Sophia Canales, Abigail Liclican, Emma Castellanos Hernandez and Fiza Chaudhry under the direction of Mr. Rovalino, WWHS Junior Anthony Maraboli on the piano, and Ex-Officio Student Board Member, Samantha Regalado.

BOE President, Mr. Nicholas Ciappetta, gave praise to our 2023 Teachers of the Year as he reminisced on the teachers who have made a lasting impression in his own life.