During the January 25th board meeting, the Board of Education and South Huntington School District voted to implement additional measures, within the current safety plan, with the addition of armed guards at the exterior of all school buildings. This decision, which has been a point of conversation over the last few months, is something that we strongly believe will add another measure as we continue to expand upon ways in which to keep our students and staff safe as an added deterrent for those wishing to cause harm within a school building.
Over the last year, South Huntington has continued to improve upon its current security infrastructure, actively adding security vestibules at all buildings, a Director of Security, an increase of security surveillance cameras at all buildings and a planned security booth at Walt Whitman High School. These items all add additional layers of security in the protection of our students and staff. To provide context and clarity as to how these guards will be utilized, please see the bullet items below:
- During the instructional school day, at no time will any armed security guard be stationed inside a school building. Armed security guards are to provide exterior security and will only enter a school building in the event of an emergency, such as an armed threat, requiring their assistance. These armed guards will report directly to the district’s Director of Security.
- Armed security guards will also be utilized at selected events and activities, outside of normal school hours.
- This armed security presence is in no way a replacement to the current security staff created at South Huntington Union Free School District. They are an addition and will work collaboratively with our already established security force.
- Given the approval of this initiative, armed guards will begin monitoring our school buildings in the near future.
While we understand the gravity and importance of this decision, please know that this was not made lightly and our main goal as a district and Board of Education is to ensure the safety and security of all. Given the recent events that have plagued our nation with regards to gun violence in schools, we felt this added measure was a necessary step.
As always, if community members have any questions, please reach out to the Superintendent's Office at any time.