This school season marks the 21st consecutive year that South Huntington School District has received gracious donations from local community members. The donations provide assistance to students, making sure they begin the new academic year on the right foot. Representatives from the Unity Church of Huntington, Girl Scouts of Suffolk County - Service Unit 12, the Forum of Indian Women on Long Island, the Masjid Noor Mosque, and STAPLES of Plainview came to our district offices to donate an abundance of backpacks filled with pencils, erasers, composition notebooks, and other essentials for our district’s students in need of basic school supplies.
Our district is very fortunate to have such generous community members contributing their time and resources to our students. We are grateful for Reverend Saba Mchunguzi and the congregation from the Unity Church of Huntington, members of the Masjid Noor Mosque, Nikki Bhatia and representatives from the Forum of Indian Women on Long Island, parents Catherine Galli and Solange Rich of the Girl Scouts of Suffolk County - Service Unit 12, and STAPLES of Plainview Managers and Employees for their continued generosity.
With the combined efforts of these groups, South Huntington received over 170 new backpacks and more than $4,000 worth of school supplies, including notebooks, pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, rulers, binders, glue sticks, scissors, erasers, folders, and more.
We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for their generosity.