We are proud to acknowledge Juniors Kaylee Vera, Alexis Pineda Rivera, and Carlos Saravia Umanzor for their participation in the Puerto Rican Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PRHYLI). These Walt Whitman delegates were selected as three of 45 students to represent the Long Island District in the Statewide PRHYLI Assembly in Albany the weekend of March 11-13, 2023.
Participation in this annual program allows students to focus on the identification and research of local issues, parliamentary procedures, selected bills, and study of the NYS legislative process. Students have the opportunity to create partnerships and conversations among educators, business leaders, elected officials, and other students to develop in-depth knowledge of the state legislative process. It helps to strengthen our students' abilities to interact with positive role models and develop leadership skills within Latino/Hispanic Youth in order to refine and apply them back in their local communities by putting their skills to practice.
“We are proud to have three of our high schoolers be selected as student delegates this year,” said ENL Teacher, Luigi Cappizzano. “It’s a lot of work and these three put in the time and effort to get it all done.” The selection criteria included active participation in the program’s virtual modules and training, as well as completion and accuracy of provided assignments.
Again, congratulations to Kaylee, Alexis and Carlos on being selected and we look forward to their continued involvement in PRHYLI at the annual Legislative Conference, representing the diverse needs of South Huntington.
WWHS Juniors Carlos Saravia Umanzor, Kaylee Vera, and Alexis Pineda Rivera with Principal Ken Costa (left) and teachers Erin Braun and Luigi Capizzano (right).