District Stories

2022 NYSSMA All-State Musicians Announced District

Written by Liz DeMonte | Sep 12, 2022 4:00:00 AM

With the beginning of the school year comes the annual announcement of students being selected to NYSSMA All-State performing groups. Walt Whitman High School is proud of our talented students who have been chosen to participate in this year’s conference. Thousands of students auditioned last year at solo and ensemble festivals throughout New York State and we are proud of our students who will perform at the annual winter conference this December in Rochester, NY.

Harper Garvey - Flute - Conference All-State Band - Alternate

Marc Malfronte - Guitar - Conference All-State Jazz Band - Alternate

Edward Pena - Tenor I - Conference All-State Mixed Chorus

Gianna Vozza - Flute - Conference All-State Symphonic Band

Gianna Vozza - Piccolo - Conference All-State Symphony Orchestra

Congratulations to both students and teachers!