College Resource Guide
Get ready to navigate the college journey with confidence and discover invaluable resources to help you excel academically, financially, and personally.
This site will help navigate you through the college application process.
*Glossary of Terms*
For further questions or concerns contact your Guidance Counselor.
Guidance Forms for College Preparation:
Parent Brag Sheet
Student Brag Sheet
Release Authorization Form
Standardized Testing Registration & Preparation:
- Register for the PSAT through Guidance (October of Junior Year)
- Register for the SAT
- Register for the ACT
- SAT-ACT Conversion Chart
- Method Test Prep - Free online test preparation for PSAT, SAT, ACT
College Search:
New York Colleges & Universities:
Most colleges prefer students to apply online.
Parts of the Application:
Report to Guidance where you applied at least TWO WEEKS prior to deadlines
- Teacher Recommendations (2) - request through Naviance
- Activity Resume
- Personal Statement
- Officially Send ALL SAT Scores
- Officially Send ACT Scores
- Officially Send AP Scores, if appropriate
- Update your Naviance account to reflect which schools you are applying to
- Once applied, print out the Counselor Report Form (if available) and bring to guidance
- Tell Guidance which schools you applied to at least two weeks before application deadline.
Financial Aid:
Steps to Applying for Financial Aid
The earliest you can submit the FAFSA is October 1st.
Fill out the FAFSA application
Fill out the TAP application
Fill out the CSS/Financial Profile (required by some private colleges)
Financial Aid Calculator
College Cost Comparison Spreadsheet
Financial Aid Comparison Shopper - The Consumer Protection Finance Bureau developed this Web-based interactive tool that will assist students and their families chart the cost and expenses associated with a college education. The tool allows prospective students to compare the average student loan debt at different colleges and calculate various scenarios for the user to see how much they would owe a month.
Scholarships Search
(visit "Scholarship Opportunities and Newsletters" link on guidance webpage):
Other Useful Links:
- NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association
- NCAA Eligibility Center - Eligibility Form required for all Division I and II sports
- The Advocacy Institute: College Opportunities for students with Learning Disabilities