Sebert Attends EARTH Workshop

a teacher uses a device to look at an object in her handNew York Master Teacher and science teacher at Sand Creek Middle School, Stacey Sebert attended the EARTH (Education and Research: Testing Hypotheses) 2018 workshop in Newport, Oregon at the end of June.

This was her second year attending the workshop hosted this year by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Oregon State University, NSF Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV), and Oregon Host STEM Hub. Twenty-two teachers from all over the country took part in the workshop.

The teachers learned about cutting edge marine science and technology and explored current scientific studies and the data that was collected. The teachers worked collaboratively and developed new curriculum that uses real science and near real time data to teach science content and process to their students. The groups worked with multiple research scientists and were even able to collect some data themselves by collecting mud shrimp from a marsh, counting and measuring them, then releasing them. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) also took the teachers on a tour of the Bell M. Shimada research vessel.

To check out the lessons that have been created over the 15 years the EARTH program has been in existence, google EARTH MBARI and click on lessons.